Chapter 16

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Aaron's P.O.V

"Who ordered pizza at this time of night?!" I ask everyone. A girl with blonde hair and green eyes was standing at the door with three pizza boxes. Cameron looks at me worried.

Cameron's P.O.V

I look over at Aaron worried. It was Caitlin. I nudge Ellie and she looks up at me with a scared face.

"None of us order pizza you must have the wrong house, good night." I say closing the door. Caitlin places her foot on the floor stopping the door from closing. "Well I guess you get free pizza then!" Caitlin says with her eyes wide open. She shoves the pizza into my arms. I open the top box. The pizza was shaped in a heart. The bottom of the lid had words on it.

"Listen I'm sorry Cammy, please take me back. I know you want a pizza this"
It read out. I look over at Ellie and say,

"Ellie trust me I don't love her. She's a phsyco!" I hand the top box back to Caitlin. "Caitlin I'm not interested! NOW LEAVE US ALONE!" I yell. I slam the door and lock it. I hand the pizza boxes to Nash and run around the apartment locking every door and every window.

"So what are we doing with these pizzas?" Nash ask. I run back downstairs and say.
"Have them for breakfast tomorrow I guess?" Ellie looks at me worriedly.

"Cam I don't think that's a good idea what if she poisoned them?"

"Oh I never thought of that. How about I'll order some pizza now, that has no chance of being poisoned and we can have it for breakfast tomorrow?" Ellie and the guys agree.

I run up stairs and pick up my phone. I order pizza and in about 15 minutes the pizza arrived. Luckily it was not Caitlin. It was a guy. Ellie answered the door, and the pizza guy and her started talking. I walk up behind Ellie and hug her around her waist.

"She has boyfriend." I say giving him a rude smile. I grab the pizzas and hand him the money. She laughs. I walk to the fridge and place the boxes in the fridge. We say goodnight to each other and we all go back to our rooms and fall back to sleep.

Hey idk if that's who u expected at the door!! But I wrote this quick Coz I did this during science today :) stay tuned

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