Chapter Four

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"Hey Shawn, where are you?"

Shawn glanced at the closed door of the Starbucks she just exited, lifting her phone to her ear, and struggling to hold her coffee without spilling it.

"I just left Starbucks. Why?"

"I didn't bring a lunch, and I'm starving," Chance groaned.

Shawn rolled her eyes. "You work at a grocery store, Chance. Can't you buy something?"

Chance huffed in reply. Shawn could practically see her folding her arms over her chest through the phone.

"I could, but I also want to see you."

"You see me every day," Shawn reminded her, looking both ways to ensure the street was empty before crossing, taking her back to the entrance of their apartment building.

"Yeah, it's a wonder I haven't gotten sick of you yet. I'm serious, though. Like, I'm not angry about last night anymore or anything. I just need a hug from you," Chance said.

"Really?" Shawn laughed. The grocery store was a fifteen minute walk from here, and in the cool air that surrounded her now, it seemed like a long way just to go for a hug.

"And also a ham sandwich," Chance replied.

"They don't have ham sandwiches at the store?" Shawn asked, though as she spoke, she was climbing the stairs to their floor, preparing to make her lunch.

"They do, but they don't have your ham sandwiches. Seriously, you should open a restaurant only selling ham sandwiches."

"And what would I call it?"

"Shawn Reyes's Ham Sandwiches."

Shawn chuckled under her breath as she managed to open their front door, setting the coffee down on the kitchen table that she still hadn't taken a sip of.

"That's creative," she quipped, opening the fridge. "I'll see you in twenty five minutes. Will you last without a hug until then?"

"I'll try my best."

As Shawn quickly made Chance's favourite sandwich—being careful not to add too much mustard, and not adding any cheese, or else Chance would throw a fit—she laughed at their friendship. From the moment she met Chance, she'd envisioned that the two would end up living together. But she could have never predicted their chemistry, nor their tolerance for each other.

Chance was a difficult person to be around. Sometimes Shawn wasn't always sure she was joking when she teased her about something. But after years of knowing her, she'd practically memorized the way she spoke, and the tone she used when she was being harsh rather than teasing.

Shawn hadn't bothered to take off her jacket when entering, knowing she'd just be leaving again, so as soon as the sandwich was made and sealed in a plastic bag, she re-entered the elevator, re-exiting the lobby, re-entering the cold air. She was a block away from the apartment when she realized she'd forgotten her coffee there.

It wasn't Shawn's first time entering the breakroom of the store, even though she wasn't staff. Other employees just gave her a sideways glance—they had seen her before; shopping here, or meeting Chance.

The breakroom was small, and without a single table. There were plastic chairs scattered around the room, with only a single lightbulb blinking on and off every so often as the only source of light. Shawn found Chance sitting in one of the chairs that was pressed against the wall, her phone in her hand, a grin on her face. She hadn't even realized her best friend had entered until Shawn said, "So where's that hug?"

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