Chapter 4: Haley, that's called nervousness

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Chapter 4: Haley, that's called nervousness

I was going to ask you the same thing. I can't remember where I put those notes half the time. How about we play 20 questions? And we're not allowed to spy on hiding places. You go first. Or you could just tell me who you are. In other news, how was your day?

I flip over the rose pink post-it.

UNDER TRASH CAN NEXT TO DRAMA ROOM--AFTER SCHOOL I put the note in my pocket and head to where the rest of my friends are hanging out. 20 Questions, huh? It sounds pretty sophomoric, but at the same time rather fun. I have until 6th period to deliver the note, so I don't worry about my answer until later.

"Hey, Corey!" Anthony reaches out and pulls me into a man hug. "Ready for the game today?" Anthony and I are both on the football soccer team.

"Definitely. Who are we up against?" Anthony shrugs.

"Some losers. Is Mattie going to be there?" I shake my head. Matt isn't the best soccer player. He's more of a basketball player. So it wasn't surprising that coach pretty much benched him after the first few games. He's not awful but between me, Trevor and Spike, well, we like to joke that he doesn't stand a chance. After a while, Matt quit.

"What about his hottie sister?" Jacob asks. Jacob is one of the most annoying jerks on the team. Maybe that's why him calling Jessica hot bothers me.

"Shut up," I growl. Jacob laughs and puts his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry, man, what do you already have dibs or something?"

"No," I say, my face heating up slightly. Thankfully the bell rings and I can go to my next class.

"So?" Haley asks eagerly as we sit down in math class.

I hand her the latest sticky note. She reads it quietly to herself, her lips moving. Finally, she looks up.

"Someone is going to have a good time." I just shrug, but she knows me better than that.

"Sounds like fun! Why does all this cool stuff happen to you?"

I just laugh.

"Come on, I'm sure you have an exciting date planned or something." Her face closes and she looks down. Is something wrong? "I'm just the lonely single," I say with a nervous laugh. She looks at me.

"Why are you nervous?" she asks.

Even if she can't show emotions, she's great at seeing other peoples'.

"No, you just...I didn't upset you did I?"

She frowns and shakes her head.

"No, it was just a little embarrassing to think about my date tonight." She gets a little smile on her face. Ah, just embarrassment. Maybe it's better if she didn't learn how to show that one. I decide to change the subject.

"Are you going to Trevor's game tonight?" She nods.

"Yup. And then I'm taking him to dinner."

I look at her in surprise. "You're taking him to dinner?"

She frowns. "Is that wrong? He's going to be tired and we really haven't hung out much between soccer season and my job, so..."

Her face closes again and she looks down. I guess that she's worried she's doing this all wrong. I really can't tell.

"No, it's totally fine for you to ask him out. I just didn't think you'd have the guts." As usual, it comes out the wrong way. As usual, Haley just smiles and brushes it off.

"Maybe I don't. I'm feeling very strange. I haven't even asked him yet."


She looks down. "I tried a bunch of times but the words wouldn't come out. I don't know why."

I have to chuckle. "Haley, that's called nervousness."

She wrinkles her nose. "I don't like it."

I point to her pocket.

"Take out your phone and text him. That way you won't have to say it out loud." She nods and hides the phone behind her pencil pouch.

"What do I say?" she whispers.

"Just ask if he wants to go out to eat after the game. Say it's your treat." She bends down over the phone, clicking away at it expressionlessly. There's a moment of silence before it lights up. She glances at the teacher then flips open her phone, her face breaking into a relieved smile.

"He said 'yes <3'," she says, her eyes glowing. I pull out my phone to text Trevor and Spike. We have a running list of emotions going.

"Points for Trevor: nervous, relieved. Points for Corey: embarrassed. Booyah!" Trevor's reply comes a few minutes later.

"Please. Two new emotions and a date with her tonight? I think we all know who the winner is." There's a pause before his next text comes through. "But, embarrassment? Nice going, dude!"

Trevor and I have a pretty...strained relationship. After all, we were fighting over the same girl only four or five months ago.

Personally I'm over it, obviously, but Trevor? Sometimes when I'm talking to Haley he gets this territorial look in his eye. Still, Haley and I are friends and Trevor's been trying to be back off. Haley's either pointedly ignoring his jealousy or she just hasn't noticed yet.

"So are you going to reply?" she asks as the teacher passes out a worksheet.

"Yeah," I say. "Sounds like it could be fun." Haley laughs lightly.

"You mean it sounds like she could be hot." I look at her in surprise. To say the idea never crossed my mind would be a lie. "Don't look so surprised," she says, patting my shoulder. "You boys are all the same." The bell rings and we get up to walk to lunch.

“Hey, Corey!”Jessica waves at me from down the hall. She looks at Haley and nods. “Hey.”

“Hey,” I waves back. I nod at Emmaleigh who’s walking with her head down a few inches behind her friend. “Hey, Emmaleigh.” She smiles slightly and coughs twice into her fist. “Are you okay?” She nods.

“She caught a bit of a cold at the sleepover. No big deal,” Jessica explains. I look at Emmaleigh pointedly, waiting for her to speak. She looks up briefly.

“I’m fine,” she says with the briefest of smiles.

“I’m Haley,” Haley says, stepping forward and extending her hand. I look on it surprise. It’s not like Haley to be friendly to new people.

“Hi,” says Emmaeigh, shaking her hand with a shy smile. “I’m Emmaleigh.” Haley nods curtly.

“Well, we’re heading off to lunch. Bye.” She pinches my elbow lightly as a sign for us to leave. Jessica frowns slightly at the way Haley brushed Emmaleigh off but when she raises an eyebrow at me I just shrug.

“That was unusual,” I comment as we head towards the parking lot. Today is Subway day.

“What?” Haley asks, as if she doesn’t know.

“You introduced yourself to Emmaleigh,” I say. “Where did that come from?” She shrugs.

“I promised myself I would talk to one new person a day.” She uses a hand to rub her face. “She’s like a deer in headlights but it was still hard.” I smile and pat her shoulder.

“You’ll get the hang of it. You were really good for the first few minutes.” She nods.

“That other chick was so annoyed at me,” she says with a laugh. “She probably thinks I’m a total bitch.” I can’t really say anything because it’s probably true. I mean, what else is someone supposed to think when Haley acts like that?

“What’s up?” Trevor says as we walk up to them. Haley just smiles.

“I talked to someone new today.”

Trevor raises an eyebrow.

“Corey is not new, Haley.”

She smacks his arm.

“No! It was...this one chick.”

Trevor laughs.

“This one chick? Yeah, I’m totally going to believe that.”

“It’s true!” She turns to me. “What was her name, Corey?”

“Emmaleigh. And Jessica was the one standing next to her.” Matt happens to walk up at that point.

“What about my sister?”

Haley turns to him.

“Your sister’s Jessica? Well...I’m guessing she hates my guts. I attempted to say hello to some chick named Emmaleigh and it was all going well until...” Haley trails off, trying to pinpoint the source of the fail. I laugh.

“Until they got past hello," I say. Haley shrugs.

“I just...kinda...bailed at that point.” Matt laughs and shakes his head.

“Typical Haley.” Then he looks around. “Where’s our wonder couple?” We turn around to see Spike with his arm around Clarice. Clarice has one arm around his waist and the other is dragging Janice along by the sleeve.

“She was about to ditch us for some cheerleader meeting.”

Janice rolls her eyes and yanks her sleeve away.

“I’d ditch you for a Klondike bar.”

“Ice cream,” says Haley. “Let’s go!”

“Nice going, Janice,” Spike groans. “Now she won’t stop until she’s had ice cream.” Janice smiles and pats his cheek.

“All in a day’s work, babe.” I can see Clarice stiffen slightly. There’s been a lot of tension between those two as well, what with Janice trying to split Clarice and Matt apart early last semester and all.

“That’s Mr. Babe to you,” Spike says, moving her hand off. Clarice visibly relaxes which makes Janice smile a "mission accomplished" sort of smile. Sometimes I wonder about Janice’s motives.

During 5th period I suddenly remember the post-it. What the heck am I going to write? I decide to start with the obvious and go from there.

Sure, I’ll play. Umm...let’s see. Are you an upperclassman girl?

Compound questions are not the best for this game, but I’m pretty sure she’s a girl so I don’t mind.

As for my weekend...well, there were a bunch of girls over at my house for an enormous sleepover. That was pretty...eventful. You have no idea how CRAZY these girls can be! I mean, it was so crazy that my parents were like "Uh...we're going to go sleepover at your aunt's. To help with a newborn baby. Who cries a lot at night. As opposed to staying here with you guys and a heck of a lot of teenage girls." My brother and I were both like "GAAAAH! What the heck do we do?"

I decide to get creative with the delivery spots so I flip the paper around and write The bottom of Ms. Tribblet’s chair.--2nd period. Let me know how you manage that one :)

For some reason, I’m looking forward to my answer. Even if it’s just to hear Ms. Tribblet’s random ranting of how some girl crawled out from under her desk first period. Ms. Tribblet’s a bit...senile. So her reaction, if she catches the little message writer, is bound to be over exaggerated, hilarious, and retold multiple times to anyone who will listen. Definitely a good way to start tomorrow.


Ah. It's been so long! I'm sorry guys. And thanks so much for being awesome fans.

Now this is a shoutout to a certain someone who made me a cover. I've unfortunately lost the cover somewhere in the depths of my mind, so if you wouldn't mind resending it to me, that would be so awesome. Thank you!!!

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