Chapter 14: they look really happy together

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Chapter 14: they look really happy together

We found Trevor and Haley. You want to join?

When we finally reach the merry-go-round I get Matt’s reply to my text.

Nah. I took Jess home. You guys have fun.

He took Jessica home? Why? I make a mental note to ask Matt later. Meanwhile, Haley is taking pictures of Trevor on the merry-go-round.

“Dude! Can’t this piece of junk move faster?” Some obnoxious eight-year-old asks the rather stoned teenager running the carousel.

Haley ignores him and take another shot of Trevor. He’s riding a pretty pink pony, making faces like a happy little girl. Then he’s kissing a rather motley-looking blue one, then he’s riding a green one upside down.

“I am so lucky you don’t have a facebook,” Trevor mumbles as Emmaleigh and I howl with laughter.

“Faster! Faster!” the little boy calls. I really want to punch him, and so does the conductor.

“I didn’t tell you?” Haley asks innocently as the carousel speeds up. “I got a Facebook, like, two weeks ago. Corey and I have been chatting on it for a while now.” I take it she still doesn’t know he’s jealous.

“You WHAT?!” Trevor booms. He’s attempting to lie on his side on one of the horses, his cell phone dangling above his mouth like he’s feeding himself grapes. He tries to stand up, the sudden movement combined with the now speeding merry-go-round sending him tumbling off the horse, careening off the carousel floor and onto the surrounding bark.

“Well don’t post any pictures of that” he moans rather weakly. A slow, rather beaten thumbs-up rises crookedly into the air. “I’m o-kay.”

Emmaleigh and I start howling again, my hand on her shoulder for support. Even Trevor starts laughing, still lying on his back in the bark. But then I hear a new sound. A bubbling, happy sound. Trevor and I pause to look at each other, and then at the noise’s source. It’s Haley. For the first time in four years, Haley is laughing.

It starts as a creaky chuckle, rusty from disuse, and then builds into a bubbling spring of laughter. Tears start to form in the corners of her eyes as she doubles over and howls.

“What? Your boyfriend is hurt and all you can do is laugh?” Trevor pouts. But I can see it on his face. He's beside himself with surprise and joy. I am too, for the matter.

“I’m sorry!” Haley wheezes. “But I was joking and you...and he...and you...” she tries to catch her breath. “Are you hurt?” she asks finally. Trevor rubs his knee and dusts off an elbow, his face still betraying some shock. He’s still lying face up in the dirt.

“Yes,” he says in a baby voice.

“You want me to kiss it better?” Haley teases, leaning over him. Trevor smiles innocently and then, when she’s not expecting it, leans forward to peck her on the lips.

“I like it when you laugh,” he says, a small but sincere smile on his face.

“I, uh, I think I’ll go get some anti-septic,” Haley announces suddenly, standing up. Trevor’s hand wraps around her arm, preventing her from getting much off the ground.

“It’s fine, we’ll get it,” I say quickly, grabbing Emmaleigh’s hand. Trevor shoots me a thankful look.

“They’re really cute together,” Emmaleigh says with a smile, maneuvering her hand out of mine. I nod and smile.

“I know. And they look really happy together.”

“I wonder if I’ll be like that with someone some day,” Emmaleigh muses wistfully. I glance at her quickly to see if she’s hinting something, but she isn’t. Her eyes snap to mine and she blushes. “Sorry. That wasn't supposed to be said out loud." We walk in awkward silence for a few more painful steps.

"That's the first time I've heard her laugh," I say finally, after clearing my throat.

"Really?" Emmaleigh asks as we reach a tent.

"Yeah. She hasn't laughed in a long time." I realize suddenly that this isn’t my tale to tell and that, even if it were, I don’t feel comfortable talking to Emmaleigh about it.

“Can I ask why?” she asks tentatively, as though she senses my change in mood. I grab the antiseptic and bandaids from the guy at the booth and shake my head.

There’s a sudden tinkling of bells as I look over at Emmaleigh. Her curly brown hair, her bright blue eyes, her teeth biting down nervously on a pink lip.

“Sorry,” she says quickly, reaching into her pocket. “My little cousin insisted I use the “fairy dust” ring-tone for text messages.”


She frowns down at the text. “Maybe we should go home.”


“Jessica’s kinda upset that we went without her.”

“Oh.” I don’t know what else to say.

“So...are we going?” she asks. I remember all of a sudden that Emmaleigh likes Matt and that Jessica is going to kick my ass.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” I think I’ve already enjoyed myself too much. Falling for a girl who’s fallen for someone else? I’ve made that mistake before. And it sucks. 


Awww. This chapter has been too long in coming, but Haley's laughing now!

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