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There's a beeping, steadily go off in the background. Repeatedly the beeping continues low pitched and steady. I took a deep breath filling my lungs then slowly deflating them repeating the process till I felt some of my validity returned. I must've slept terribly, my body was oddly sore and I unable to move it. I took the inability as I sign to open my eyes, I'm sure I have some task to complete today. My awakening will only lead to my recollection of my duties. My eyes were heavy and tough however I kept on forcing them open. Soon enough I saw light come through the crack of my eyelids. I looked away from the light as I opened my eyes further. I tried desperately to deal with the searing pain striking my pupils. Eventually my eyes focused and I noticed where I was and suddenly my breathing hitched. A splitting headache formed and my throat felt dry.

"Morning Sunshine." A woman said not too off. I looked towards the foot of my bed to see a woman. Her hair was secured into a ponytail her face was clear and glowed under the fluorescent light. She wore a blue collared blouse under her white coat complimented by her black pencil skirt and heels. To any average man, she would be the ideal mate. To me, however, she was just another doctor. She stared at me a bit after she was done writing on her clipboard and gave me a warm smile. She seemed so young and vibrant."How are you feeling?" She asked me. I backed out of my daze long enough to process her words. I looked at her blue eyes and smiled.

"I feel like shit." I replied simply. She laughed with me and asked if I remember what landed me in this crappy bed.

How did I get here? I had to truly think to myself what happened before I fell asleep. I couldn't recall and shrugged my shoulders. I was hoping this doctor could tell me but she just said she wanted to run test. I obliged but I still wanted to know what happened to me. Instead of mouthing off I gave her a reassuring smile and gave her the okay. She walked off without another word.

I heard a vibration on the table near me. I looked over to a device receiving a phone call. I'm assuming it's mine so I reach for it and answer the call.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone that was quickly followed by a familiar voice. I couldn't quite remember who it was so I played along until something clicked in my mind. It was my secretary Jessica, at this moment she was livid. She didn't understand why I didn't notify her that I would be out. She went on about some promotion interviews that got canceled and I need to reschedule.

It all just sounded like work I was in no shape to do. I told her to hold it down for one more day and I'll be in the office the next day. She agreed of course, with some remarks under her breath, but she complied. I hung up with her and was determined to get to the bathroom. My blatter was prepared to burst. Apparently, I've been here for quite awhile if it's this bad. To my surprise I had a catheter to remove before I was able to leave my bed and soundly pee in the restroom. I can't even describe my disgust with that. After emptying my blatter I looked in the mirror to see a broken man. It looked like I've been in here for days, my face was pale and my chest sore. I truly would like to know what landed me in this dump. I moved towards my bed and made a call to Steve. He answered quickly and told me he's waiting outside my door when I'm ready. I was glad I kept him around, but I had a question.

"How did I end up in here?" I asked pleading for a straight answer. He sighed on the other end of the phone clearly unwilling to say. "Tell me!" My voice cracked.

"You drowned, you died...and they resuscitated you." He said it so sternly that I couldn't bare to here it.

I hung up the phone and sat on the bed. Slowly flashes of the beach started coming back. I painfully pushed the memories back not wanting to think of it. It's just another failed attempt, at least I'm getting closer... I don't know what's right or left anymore just that I had the sudden need to work. I texted Jessica to schedule the interviews for this afternoon and that I'll be there shortly.

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