Dinner Date at Wayne Manor

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Weeks went by, and Bruce and J'onn have been spending lots of time together. Whether or had been watching the monitors in that Watchtower, walking down the halls of the tower, even spending those rare moments in each other's rooms. When they were around the rest of the League, they kept their relationship strictly professional, but when they were alone my, they gave each soft kisses and gentle smiles. They were not sure on what excatly their relationship statues. All J'onn knows it that a magnifier said that Bruce's Facebook page status changed from single to "complicated." Both the press and the public were not the only ones with questions on their relationship: Bruce's noisy sons. They would always answer the door when J'onn came over to do 'missions reports' in the study, but it usually ended into a small make out session on the cassa sofa with the study door locked. When they moved it to the bed room, Alfred would sometimes find them in a heated moment on the bed. Nothing too intimate, but lost in each other's kisses and cuddles. One evening, J'onn came over for dinner, and the boys couldn't wait to embrasses him with questions. What could they say, they were Bruce's sons. In the den, they ran, in and spread themselves out in the room and stared at him innocently.

"Hello, boys."

"Hello, Uncle J'onn. Let me ask you this have you and dad been getting it on recently?" Dick asked.

"What do you mean?

"Oh come on, the flowers, the dates, the press. It has to be a lot to take in at once," Terry asked in a teasing voice.

"The flowers were lovely."

"But people must have asked where they came from at your job," Jason asked.

"Not re-"

"Where have you two been on for dates? He' a bit of a show pony when it comes to dinners."

"Boys please, leave Master J'onnz in peace. Go washed for supper," Alfred came into the room to settle them.

The boys quickly left the room to the bathroom. Both J'onnz and Alfred chuckle their antics.

"They mean well; truly they do, they just want what is best for Master Bruce."

"I hope that you approve of our relationship. He has told me a lot about you Mr. Pennysworth. You are a father figure in his life and I m worried that you would not approve. I would never in a million years make hi chose-"

"Master J'onn place. You are ramlbing. You are important to Master Bruce making you important to me. I do not know if Master Thimas and Ms. Martha would apporve of this relationship. I know this; they would want their son to be happy. That is all they ever wanted. If you make him happy, then Master J'onn, I can not dictate what is good for him or not," Alfred grabbed the steak knife on the table and held it firmly in his hand as if he was abel to cut into a Christmas turkey. "But I do warn you, if you hurt Master Bryce in any fashion, you will not only have the young masters on your ass but you will habe to deal with me," he stabbed the knife into the table, only a mere centimeter away from J'onnz hand. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Very," J'onn answer trying to keep his nerves in check and out of his tone of voice.

"Okay, now is there anything I can get for you? Tea? Coffee? Water?"

J'onn simply stared in shock at Alfred. He just flipped his attiude like a coin. He smiled softly at the older man.

"No, thank you, Alfred. May I ask where Bruce is?"

"Right here," he turned around to see Bruce wearing a white button down with semi formal black pants.

J'onn smile brightly while he went to embrace his boyfriend. Bruce hugged him tightly while a small chuckle escaped his lips.

"You look well my love."

"Thank you J'onn; you look quick dashing yourself."

"Dinner will be ready in several minutes Master Bruce. Do you wish for me to fo and collect the young masters?"

"I believe I may assist that," J'onn mentally called the boys to dinner. "They will be down shortly."

"Thank you, Master J'onn."

"You're welcome Alfred," he heard the loud stomping of the boys coming down the stairs.

They all sat at the table, and the boys have their chat, complaining about school, work, and reading Dick about Barbra. J'onn made telepathic contact with Bruce by a gentle touch on his knee.

"You have a lovely family, Bruce."

"You are part of this family now J'onn."

"I always believed I lost my family on Mars. M'yri'ah, my children, my home, lost forever. But now, I have hope in a family again."

"I want to give you all the happiness in the universe J'onn. You will always have a place in my home. I love you," Bruce held his hand tightly, lacing their fingers together.

"I love you too, my love," he leaned in close to rest his head against Bruce.

Bruce pecked his lips gently, cuaisng a smile to grace J'onn's lips. They ate their food and talked through the mind linl. Afterwards, the boys went to the entertainment room and put in a film. Bruce and J'onn went ot the master bedroom, shutting the door behidn them. Bruce held J'onn's face gently in his slightly cold hands and kissed him passionately. He ran his long pale fingerd through his hair. They fought for domanice in the kiss, causing their hand to roam freely across their bodies. J'onn turned back to his Martain human form. Bruce took off his tie and threw it mindlessly on the floor while J'onn started to unbutton his button down it shirt. He ran his fingers across his toned sick pack abs while going to unbuckle his pants. J'onn picked him up and wrapped his lehs arond his waist. Their lips stayed connected while he placed his lover gently onn his back on the king size bed. He unbuttoned his pants and swiftly took them, grabbing him by his hips firmly. As he reached for the band of his boxers, there was a loud knock on the door, causing Bruce to groan loudly in anger.

"Someone better be dying!" he shouted angrily.

"Master Kent called, there is a meeting taking place at the Watchtower that you and Ma- J'onn need to attend to. I told him that you would be picking up J'onn, sir," Alfred explained through the door.

"Dammit Kent!" J'onn chuckled while he moved away from his upset lover.

"Let us get going my love."

"Do we have to, I mean seriously. It gonna be about Luthor again."

"Yes, we do. The faster we leave, the sooner we can return and continue this from where we left off," he said with a small smirk on his lips while sending him a wink before changing.

Bruce grumbled while J'onn grabbed him by his lips roughly, giving him a firm, rough kiss. He chuckled into the kiss while wrapping his arms around his neck. He pulled away from J'onn's lip and groped him firmly.

"Be nice, and I will be nice in return."

"Yes sir," Bruce got out of bed and put on some throw on clothes and headed down to the Cave, J'onn walking right next to him. "I love you J'onn; I love you."

"I love you too Bruce," he reaches for his hand while they headed to the elevator.

J'onn waited near the computer for his boyfriend to get dressed and turned to see him fully dressed. He floated to him and kissed his temple before opening the zeta beam.

"Come home."

"Same to you my love," they kissed on last time before Bruce pulled his cowl on and went full Batman as they walked into the zeta beam, no longer holding hands.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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