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I was tagged by jacks_hiswang

I'm not going to write the questions

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I'm not going to write the questions.

1. Yes

2. No

3. No

4. No

5. No

6. No

7. Yes

8. The have and the have nots ( also Steven universe)

9. Spirit away

10. Eternal Sunshine by Jhene aiko

11. What kind of artist???

12. Jhene aiko and Got7

13. I have a lot so I'll just tell one of them. When I was watching my baby nephew he was looking at his feet. I called his name and he looked up saw me and started to smile then laugh. I managed to get it on camera.

14. The Cinderella hour

15. The ability to fly

16. Cookies

17. Facebook

18. Sprite

19. Why would some one make this a question? But I guess I'll go with deaf

20. Coffee

21. Older than 14 younger than 19 ;)

22. Libra

23. I dunno

24. Good question. Why don't you stay and find out ❤

25. One year

26. Honestly let people love and live their lives. They're human too they deserve equal rights just like everyone else.

27. It depends on how bad they fucked up

28. I don't think it's a thing I want to try. But if it works out for you then go for it.

29. If you want to get an abortion it's not any of my or anyone elses business. You do what you think is best for you.

30. Under certain conditions I'm fine with it.

31. I dunno....

32. Well love is a powerful emotion people are influenced by it everyday you never know what's going to happen.

33. Yes

34. It depends on how I feel. But it stays open most of the time.

35. Nope

36. Most of the time yeah

Okay I tag....flower322Suga_Spice_And_Candy andneffa_xox you guys don't have to do it if you don't want to.

But Suga_Spice_And_Candy you do.

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