Chapter III

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Anonymous Composer the new wonder of classical!

The young woman who has been composing under a pseudo name [Kaya Hart] has been, indeed, a success. Her music is crawling across the easy hills of France. Earning him much money, her producer finds himself involved with the young Mademoiselle! Although he will not reveal who she is, he can guarantee they are one loving team.

"What's that?" Philippa asked Erik as she watched him angrily ball up the paper.

"The morning news," he said, attempting not to grind his teeth with his answer. Erik then proceeded to throw it into the hearth by his sofa, an exasperated sigh emitting from his lips.

"You seem upset, did they say something about you in the paper?" She asked him quietly.

"No," Erik replied with the shake of his head.

"Here, why don't you take off your mask and rest in my lap for a while," she said calmly stroking his hair.

They'd learned, together as a couple, that his face was nothing she hadn't seen in her years. Also, the two found out that she was a clam woman, one who liked to keep Erik calm as well. She did go out frequently, but she always returned to Erik. And Erik discovered that he liked to be held in that infantile way, his head in her lap. He could easily reach up and kiss her, and if there was anything at all about Philippa, she was a great kisser.

Erik thought her better and more pleasing at it than Haya, even, but that didn't mean he felt more. No, he felt far more with Haya. There was just nothing he could do, so he was forced to accept that he would have to be with Philippa. There was enough to facet a healthy relationship, and with that news that morning... There was no reason he shouldn't go with Philippa.

"You know, we should go for a walk," the blonde suddenly said.

Erik lifted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"A walk, Erik. I want to take a walk around the park... Where we met," she indicated with a blush.

It was then Erik realized it had been a whole year since they had met.

"It's been a year... Since we met, huh?" He said and gently pressed one of his hands to her cheek.

Philippa's eyes watered with joy as she reached in and hugged Erik delicately. Her arms wrapped around his torso, and she squeezed him as though he was the only man in her life that could ever make her so happy.

She pressed her lips against his, and soon enough they were engrossed in one-another. Her lips coaxed his until she led him into taking over, eventually allowing him to slip his tongue through her parted lips.

"Let's go to the park now," Philippa said with the break of their lips, her soft breaths caressing Erik's wanting lips.


Erik got up with her and placed her thin cloak upon her shoulders, taking her hand with his just after. They easily got a carriage to the park and were eventually walking about the grounds.

It was a beautiful day, and even the slight chill was nothing compared to the grace of the sky and the sun. They both shone joyously as though it were a perfect summer day in June. The clouds were sparse, and the children running around gave the air a light feel.

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