Chapter II

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Erik looked into the paper that morning, seeing nothing new nor interesting and placed it back onto his counter. It was early, yes, but apparently, he wasn't the only early bird to grace that flat.

"Hello, Erik! Guess what I just did?" Haya asked him sunnily as she popped into the flat, far happier than she had been since before her father had gotten sick. It must have been the happiest he'd seen her.


"I got myself a job composing for a man who will let me publish under a pseudo name! Isn't that brilliant? I'll get payed the same price, but no one will know who I am! I also... Well," Haya started to stutter nervously now, "With my advance... I purchased a flat in Paris."

Erik's heart sank, and he just couldn't tell her. He tried to show how excited he was, and he was successful when her face eased of fear. In truth was, he would miss her dearly, seeing as they'd only been living together for a month.

"That's great, Haya, I am so very proud of you... Your father would be just as proud."

Haya clapped her hands and then seemed to approach an even more delicate subject than the previous one.

"The man who I talked with... He was very amiable and handsome. We talked for a while after I got my advance, and he asked me to dinner. I think I'll go," she said with a small smile. It was as if he had actually suited her fancy.

Erik nearly growled.

"I hope you have fun... I was going to make dinner in celebration of your achievement, but..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I can go right back and cancel if you so wish it-" she rushed nervously, and he could see that she didn't want to displease him. Still, it was obviously to Erik her date meant a lot to her.

"Don't bother, Haya. Remember, you need to have fun and get out there, if he really suits your fancy then go. I want you to fall in love."

"I'll try," Haya said with a reminiscing smile, a giggle surpassing her lips as she probably thought of the man she was meeting.

"Tell me about him?" Erik asked quietly, his face plastering a smile upon it.

"Well, he has light hair, kind of almost brown," Haya giggled. "And blue eyes, everything he said made me laugh," she said as thought it was their own inside joke.

They'd only talked for mere minutes!

Hell, she had only been gone for three hours! Surely the buying of a flat took longer than the meeting had. He hoped. Then again, she had been out very early... Was she trying to hide the fact she went to find such new offers of life?

Erik shook his head and attempted to stop the fact that he was infatuated by her whereabouts.

"I'm happy for you... I guess I should be looking out, huh?" Erik asked with a bit of heat coming to his cheek... The visible one anyways. As the other hardly had skin to redden.

"Yes," Haya said shortly, going to the washroom to tidy herself. Erik watched her walk away, and found that trying to forget about her wasn't too hard. She easily slipped from his mind as he attempted to focus upon another task.

But she came back as easily as she left, and the only way Erik was going to get her out of his mind was to get out of where she was.

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