Dipper Pines (R)

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Yours and Dippers age: 16


Pacifica is evil. A descendant of Bill. Here to kill us all.

Pacifica PØV

"Well, if it is net ol Pine Tree aye?" I cackle

"And Shooting Star, Question Mark, Sixer, Fez, Ice Bag?" I say pointing to all the others who are with them from the wheel.

"Oh and my personal favorite! (Sign on wheel(S/N))." I say getting straight in her plastic little face.

"It's Y/N you creep! W-Who are you?" She asks obviously a little creeped out

"Well, well, well, wouldn't you like to know." I taunt making a circle around her

"Hey, leave her alone!" Dipper yells I cackle

"Sure, I'll let her go, as soon as you promise to be mine!" I threaten and Y/N shakes her head.

"Dipper don't! It's not worth it!"

"Yes, it is, Y/N I love you and I don't know what I would do to myself if I let you be killed by her." Dipper yells back, I cackle

"Would you look at that! Young love! How adorable! Not! Forget it Pine Tree. Shooting Star. Mabel Pines. Step forward." I drag her forward with my magic.

"How would you like to be my sidekick?" I ask

"No! I'm no ones sidekick!" Meal yells I laugh

"Fine, anyone? Anyone else open for a job as a sidekick? No? Okay then. Meet your fate!" I yell and turn everyone into their threats.

Dipper into Pine. Mabel with a yellow glow behind her and as she rises up rainbows come from her feet. Stan shrinks under his fez. Ford into three and stuck inside his journals. Soos into a questiony the question mark. Wendy blue and cold. I leave Y/N as she is.

"I actually like this." Mabel smiles

"Ah, yes, I can let you stay like that. Young forever. Summer will never end for you and me Shooting Star. And you can stay here with your brother and your whole family, for the rest of your life. If! You're my sidekick." I say she looks around then nods.


"No! Mabel!" Dipper yells

"Ah, now Pine Tree. You can have your sister back, when you promise to be mine!" I yell

"No. I'll never be yours. Not as long as I live." He yells I smirk

"Really Dipper? Well then, I'll just have to make you, how about I start with your girlfriend?" I ask and turn to Y/N. I poof her away, she's to be locked in a jail, but only I know that. To everyone else, I just killed her.

"Goodbye S/N."

"Y/N!" Dipper yells jumping to her empty place.

"What about your crush?" I ask poofing Wendy away also

"Bye-Bye Ice Bag!" I cackle

"I'll never bow down to you! I'll run free." He yells looking around.

"Okay Pine Tree. But tell me, how many lives is your freedom worth?" I ask and poof away Soos

"Question Mark. Fez." I say and there goes Stan too.

"Don't you ever feel bad about this? Killing people's family for your own selfish reasons!" He yells at me I laugh.

"Oh honey, I'm not doing this, you are." I say

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