Absent minded abstract thoughts

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I decieded to read River's diary. 

Don't worry, i'm not this crazed chliptomaniac who feeds of invading peoples private and inner-most thoughts. River writes songs as well as everything else, and she wanted me to mull them over to see what I thought and if I would produce a hard argument persuading Carmen to stop reading Sherlock and belt out some of her amazing tunes.

She told me that the songs were in the notes pages at the back, and on November 12th and December 26th. She said that I could read the rest of the if I so wished. It's not like I didn't know everything there is to know about her anyway, but it will be interesting to see if she can sum herself and her daily entailments up using the english language.

I opened the neatly tassled book to March 10th, picking up where I'd left off.

I wonder where Ed was. Probably in the music studio or with his head stuck in  book about something and nothing to do with Coldplay or the Killerz. 

He told me the that he might be able to get a record deal, and that he had to produce a demo in the next week, so after locking himself in my study for a goof few days, he finally energed with the 'eurika' moment, that his first song was going to be about a pill popping prostitute. Like that'll catch on.

I found him in the drum room; drumless as usual. Just with a couple of abused snares and some kcked-in bass guitars. I saw Ed with his rarly seen 'deep in thought ' expression impinged on his face. I heard the pertanant plucking of Nigal (his guitar). I figured that I would appreciate this beatless creation from outside.

This was the thing about our relationship. We wern't always prone on having a conversation every second of the day. Not that talking to Ed wasn't one of the most delghtful things in the universe. It's each others presence that is important to us. Just the knowledge that we are here for each other in times of need, or just whenever one of us needed a hug. 

Fuck sake.

I'm not jelous of Ed and River. I'm jelous of what they have. I envy the eternalatity. The ever-lasting 'I love you's'.

Music next. (queue alarming and abrupt ear piercing bell).



Raring to go...


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