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So yesterday was parent teacher meetings. ARHHHHHHH... 😒

So,  do you ever feel that your loud and talkative in class but the teacher says that you're very quiet:( well that happened to me and it was very sad.
In Food Technology, I usually sit at the side when doing prac work but my teacher said that I always sit at the back  ( she's such a lier I swear) ;(


I met my Food Tech teacher , maths teacher, history/geo teacher and English teacher.

My history/ Geo teacher is old so she stayed in her office with the heater on. Bahahaha and when we (me mum and my dad) went in for the meeting/interview she lost her paper and it took, like, 5minutes to find it😂 but her room was cozy. Lol

I saw some friends but they didn't see me (because I'm invisible. . . Jk)



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