Familiar Faces

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"Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too was a gift."

-Mary Oliver

Your POV:

For some people, life goes by in the blink of an eye, but for people like me, it goes by slow and painfully, almost like the world is trying to torture you just for the hell of it. It's been four, long years since the day I was brought to the hospital after being abandoned by Mephiles. As much as I want to be angry with him, I can't. I still love Mephiles after all that has happened. Damn, that's sad, isn't it?

He kidnaped me for god's sake! I shouldn't be feeling this way. I should've moved on, but love is a powerful thing. Life hasn't actually been that bad after I got over my chaotic state of mind. I got some therapeutic help, so I've managed to calm down since then, but I don't think my feelings for my kidnapper will ever fade.

He's much too important to me. Another good thing is that mom and I are living in a new place after Jeff got in a drunk driving accident. He died almost instantly, but what can I say? Karma's a bitch, and he was a horrible man. In my opinion, he got exactly what he deserved.

Jeff's accident was the best thing that ever happened to us. It actually got me out of my depressive slump. Our new apartment isn't as fancy, and it's smaller, but I like it far better than the old one. It doesn't house horrid memories of violence and filth. It's clean and pleasant, absolutely perfect.

Mom has a new job now too, and it pays really well. Though, to help out, I decided to get one myself. It was hard at first, but I eventually came across this small flower shop run by this old lady named Margaret. She's really sweet and took pity on me, for she already knows my situation thanks to the numerous news stories about what happened to me. I've been working there for two years now, and have a close relationship with the older woman.

She even lets me call her grandma, since I remind her a lot of her granddaughter. I've told her my side of things: how I feel about Mephiles and, basically, the whole story. To my surprise, she actually ships us and constantly teases me about it, playfully, of course. I get to see my dad more often too, which is amazing. I've missed him so much, and I finally got the chance to catch up with him. He doesn't live with us, sadly.

My mom still hasn't forgiven him for ditching us, but the man truly is sorry. Maybe one day we'll be a family again. You know, sometimes I wonder if Mephiles knew my life would get better. I like to think so because that was pretty shity of him to leave me like that. I just wish he had let me say goodbye.

The authorities are still looking for him. Every time I hear about it, I feel the urge to cry. There's a reason I don't watch the news anymore, but sometimes there'll be someone who recognizes me. I smile through those conversations, but inside, my heart aches. Thankfully, I doubt the police will ever find Mephiles.

I sigh softly as I turn onto my back to view the white ceiling I've decorated with white, Christmas lights. I don't have room for a lamp in my bedroom, and there wasn't a light already installed in the ceiling, so I figured it'd be useful to put those up. All I can really fit in here is a bed, but that's all I really need.

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