Vienna Black and The Goblet of Fire

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Chapter 1: Happy Birthday

"Vienna!" My father called from downstairs, interrupting my morning routine.

"Coming!" I yelled. I quickly fonoshed brushing my long black hair then ran down the stairs into the living room where my father was standing waiting for me. "Yes dad?" I asked.

"Happy birthday," he sing songed happily, handing me a large present bag with my Hogwarts letter on top.

I thanked him and opened the present first. It was a a box of things. First was a piece of parchment. My brows furrowed in confusion at this but set it aside, figuring I'd ask later. I grabbed the next thing, it was a book called "How to become an animagus" I smiled at this and set it aside as well. Reaching back in I dug around the bottom where I  felt a small object between multiple other things. Pulling it out I found it was a key. The key was pure silver and had a house crest on it, one that I recognized as our own, for I saw it everyday on the drawing room tapestry as well as our dishes.

"It's a key for your own gringotts vault." Dad chimed in. My smile got bigger and I set the key next to the other presents I'd already revealed. Reaching my hand inside the bag again I pulled out a bag which i opened to find full of blood pops, my favorite,  chocolate frogs then sugar quills. My mouth started to water as I looked at my favorite sweets. I grabbed one of the blood pops and started sucking on it.

I then pulled out a bag which was quite literally hairy. My dad laughed at the look on my face and explained "It's a bag, you can put what ever you want in it and you're the only one able to take it out. I got it from Harris, who got one for Harry  last year as well." I gave him another smile, my eyes widening in happy surprise.

"That's  really cool, tell Hagrid  I  said thank you."  I then pulled out a tiny firebolt, which was had shrunk to fit in the bag. Once I pulled it out he enlarged it. I let the broom go and it instantly levitate beside me at my hip, perfect mounting height.

"Dad! I don't play quidditch!" I told him, still grinning like a maniac. He fake pouted at me, reminding me of the Weasley twins, and replied in a nagging voice.

"But I want you too.." I laughed at him and promised him I'd try it.

I reached back into the box and pulled out a ticket for the World Cup, a once in a lifetime opportunity. The match was Ireland against Bulgaria. Oh my Merlin. At first I was speechless, then a choked screamed merged from me and I lunged at my dad, practically tackling him in a hug.

"Oh my merlin, dad! Thank you!!!" I screamed in his face. He laughed at me and pushed me off him.

I gave him a huge smile and got up. "Thank you for everything!" I told him sincerely. Then a tap on the window made me stop. I looked over and saw it was an owl. I let it wait a moment as I continued talking to Sirius. "This all must have cost a fortune, I can't believe you got all this for me, dad."

Sirius grinned, "Think of it as thirteen years of missed birthday presents."

With a shake of my head and a small laugh I thanked him again before I went and opened the window so the owl could fly in. He dropped off a large box before flying away again, not stopping for treats or payment.

I opened the letter that was attached to what I assumed was another gift.

"Dearest Vienna,

Happy birthday! I hope you like the gift I gave you, Headmaster Dumbledore helped me create it with some help from an old friend of his. Anyways, there is something important I believe you should know about, even if it doesn't directly concern you it is a potentially dangerous situation. Thags all I  will say for now. If you can, meet me on August 28th in the Leaky Cauldron. I'll be awaiting your owl.

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