Chapter 2: Meeting With Severus

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Chapter 2: Meeting With Severus

Father left me to floo to the Leaky Cauldron and reminded me I was to be apparated home when I was done. I stepped into the small pub from the fireplace and Tom the bartender walked up to me.

"Miss Black, Severus has gotten you two a separate room for the evening." he informed me. "Follow me, I'll show you the way." he whispered.

I nodded and walked with him to a separate room with a single table lit by three candles. Severus sat there drinking a small glass of wine, and across from him was another seat and a steaming cup of butterbeer. I thanked Tom before sitting down.

"So, what's so secret you had to get us a separate room to tell me about it?" I asked Severus with an eyebrow raised.

"This year Hogwarts will be hosting the tri-wizard tournament." Severus disclosed without further adieu.

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament?!" I repeated, confused. "Whats the tri-wizard tournament?" I asked him.

Severus shook his head slightly but chuckled. "The tri-wizard tournament is a kind It has three extremely dangerous tasks that one student from three competing schools have to complete. The Tri-Wizard Tournament has not been played for years because there were too many deaths." he started.

"What's the point of this 'game'?" I asked.

"Well, it's supposed to bring three schools closer together. The person who finishes with the most points wins, and become the tri-wizard champion. They will have eternal glory and will receive 1,000 gold galleons." Severus finished.

I nodded my head in understanding. "Why wold they host the game if it's so dangerous? If people have died, then why allow it to go on?" I asked.

"Dumbledore will be putting an age limit on it. You must be seventeen or older to play."

"How do they pick the champions?"

"The goblet of fire. You write your name and school on a piece of parchment and drop it in the goblet. 24 hours later, the goblet will choose who it thinks is the most worthy person from each of the schools."

I nodded again and took a long drink of my butterbeer. "Why are you telling me all of this? I'm only 14, I can't enter the tournament." I stated nonchalantly.

"I'm worried about you. One of the schools, Durmstrang, will be with our school. I want to warn you about the Headmaster. He is an ex-deatheater. Never be somewhere alone with him, and don't talk to him."

"But Sev," I whined just slightly, annoyed by him giving me rules to follow, "you're an ex-deatheater." I reminded him.

"Yes, but you know I am a spy for The Order. Igor isn't." Severus explained.

I thanked him for the warning and finished my butterbeer. "It was great to see you Sev." I told him sincerely, smiling.

"Always lovely seeing you, Miss Black."

I laughed at that. "See you at school Professor" I joked. I turned around and faced him when I got to the door. "Are you going to the Quidditch world cup?" I asked hopefully.

"No, I don't care much for quidditch." He told me.

I nodded slowly, biting my lip. "Well, would you care much for quidditch if I played?" I asked,  though I didn't know what exactly had brought me to.

"How would the players make any difference in the game itself? No matter who is playing the rules and objectives remain unchanged." He stated offhandedly. I felt like someone dumped a large bucket of water on me, and I couldn't quite understand the feeling of disappoint that arose so painfully within myself. I turned my face, not quite looking at him.

"None, I suppose. You're right. By the way, thank you for the birthday present, it's lovely." Without waiting for a reply I walked out and payed Tom for my drink before heading to Diagon alley and floo-ing home, ignoring my dad's instructions to have Severus floo me.

Dad jumped when I popped  out of the fire and before I could fully straighten up he had his wand aimed at my chest. After realizing it was just me he slowly lowered the wand. "I thought I told- what's wrong?" He interrupted himself, stating at me closely.

"Nothing, I'm going to head up to bed. Sorry I didn't have Professor Snape bring me home." Without waiting for a response I left the kitchen quickly, hating the emotions that were bubbling within me, confusing and painful.

I sat within my box for hours up on my bed, stating at my firebolt which hovered by my desk. Eventually, the feelings of hollow disappointment was replaced with a fierce  determination. I would do everything I could to make the Gryffindor quidditch team this year.

Or so I thought. One thing Severus neglected to mention, though as of yet unknown to me, was that this year's quidditch season was cancelled due to the hosting of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

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