Chapter 10: The First Task

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Chapter 10: The First Task

I was in the tent waiting for the first task to start.

Ludo Bagman came in and we had to grab something from the bag.

Flier went first and pulled out a welsh green dragon with a number "2" around it's neck.

Viktor went next, he pulled out a Chinese fireball with a number "3" around it's neck.

Then Cedric, a sweedish short snout with a number "1" around his neck.

Then Harry pulled out the Hungarian horntail with a "4" around his neck.

Now it was my turn. I stuck my hand in the bag and pulled out a Ukrainian Ironbelly, with a number 5 around it's neck. I kept my face emotionless and I sat down next to Viktor playing with my minnie dragon model.

Ludo explained how we would have to collect th golden egg and that the the cannon would go off and we would go in order in which our dragons numbers said.

I was last.

The cannon went off and Cedric left.

20 minutes later, we heard cheering as Cedric retrieved his egg.

Then went fleur. This time it took around half an hour, then went Krum, then it was harrys turn.

"Good luck Harry!" I said. He smiled and went off.

A while later, it was my turn. I ran out there and saw the golden egg. I looked around cautiously, my wand pointed in front of me. Then the dragon showed itself. I quickly shouted out "statuæ dracone" ad the dragon turned to a statue, and I sprinted to the egg, picking it up and holding it in the air. The crowd went wild and I smiled up at them.

I left the arena and at last second turned around and said "statuæ draco abrogare", before heading back to the tent.

When Harry saw me his mouth dropped open.

"your finished already?! You weren't even out there for two minutes!"

I smiled at him and said "I found a spell."

"what was it?"

"a genius never reveals his secrets, Harry" I said with a laugh. He smiled at me and we walked out to the stands to get our scores.

I was in first, with 45 points, karkaroff only gave me five, harry and Krum tied for second with 40, Cedric was third with 36, and fluer last with 35.

Harry and I walked back to the castle holding our eggs.

When we got back to the common room we were attacked with hand shakes and people were clapping up on the back.

Harry and I decided to open our eggs- big mistake, because when we did, a loud ear piercing screeching noise came out. Me and Harry immediately snapped them back closed.

"what in the bloody hell was that?"

Harry and I looked over and saw Ron. I beamed at him and Harry gave him a slight smile.


Ron was now friends with us again and all was good. Today is saturday and sev is taking me to see my mom. My father was also going, I was going to meet him there.

Sev and i walked through the grounds and through the gate. I tool his arm and we dissaperated.

We landed in an alley outside St mungos and walked inside and to my mums room. I walked in and saw my father sitting there holding her hand crying.

I silently walked over and laid my hand on his shoulder, making him jump slightly. When he saw it was me he relaxed and sev left, giving us some privacy.

A couple minutes later father left me alone with mum. I grabbed her cold hand and flashbacks of the dementor started playing over and over.

"mum... Mum, I promise. I'm going to find a cure, I will find a way to bring you back, get you out of that hell hole of memories. Okay?" I paused as if waiting for her to reply before continuing.

"I'm living with dad now. He's really great. He misses you, we both do.." I stopped again, stifiling a sob.

"I got your box you created in school, sev found it when he started working at hogwarts. It's been really useful.."

"i miss those times you and me would sit around the fire, and sing.. When I was a little girl and I'd sit on your lap while youd brush my hair, complaining that it was to thick... When you would tell me stories about father. How you held me when I cried.."

I closed my eyes and let the tears seep through my closed lids.

"I'm in the tri wizard tournament, beat a dragon.. I wish you were here to help me solve the clue. " I squeezed her hand before letting it go, standing up.

"I have to go mum, I love you.." and with that I left the room.

Sev then walked in, but didn't bother closing the door.

"karleen.." was all he said. He sat quietly, holding her hand for a couple minutes before getting up.

I gave him a sad smile and he nodded at me.

I said good bye to my father before apparating back to hogwarts with sev.

As soon as we landed I fell to the ground into a vision.


Cedric Diggory stepped intothe girls lavatory with his egg. He turned on the water for the bath and added bubbles. When the tub was full he stripped off all his clothes and stepped in. He pulled the bubbles towards him before setting the egg in water and opening it, going under after it...

*End Of Vision*

I woke up in a warm bed, extremely tired. I snuggled into the blankets and was drifting off to sleep when I felt someone get into the bed next to me. They layed down on the other side. I turned around and snuggled into them.

They were warm and smelled of after shave. I fell asleep breathing in the heavenly scent.

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