Adam in Texas

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*about two months later today's the day, sans coming to Texas to stay with Maya and Lucas for 4 days, Maya was running around like a madman trying to make sure everything was perfect, she was still worried Adam didn't like her a little so she was trying to make it as good as she could*
Lucas: Maya baby you'll wear yourself out before he even gets here if you don't stop
Maya: I just want it to go well
Lucas: it'll be fine, he has fun with you Maya so just take it easy
*car door slams shut*
Maya: I think that's them
Lucas: or it could just be Riley and Farkle back from the doctor
Maya: they came back half an hour ago
Lucas: wait really?
Maya: you were out
Lucas: ohhh, but I didn't notice their car in the drive
*maya chuckles*
Maya: thank you for making me feel better about this
Lucas: sure
*theres a knock at the door which sets off Noah*
Lucas: I'll get that
Maya: thanks huckleberry
*he heads into the nursery to put Noah back to sleep, hope was playing in the living room where may could see her, Maya took a deep breath then opened the door to see Adam and kermit stood in the doorway smiling at her*
Maya: hey
Adam: hey
Kermit: you're sure this is okay?
Maya: yeah
Kermit: alright I'll be back to pick him up in four days
Maya: perfect
Adam: bye dad
Kermit: bye Adam
*kermit gets in the car and drives off, Maya steps out of the way to let Adam in with his bag*
Adam: where should I put this?
Maya: umm you can just leave it down there for now we can sort it out later okay?
Adam: yeah sounds great
Maya: you hungry? O was just gonna make lunch
Adam: starving
Maya: great what would you like?
*they decide on sandwiches so Maya makes some quickly and then they sit on the couch while hope plays, Lucas walks in with Noah*
Lucas: he's hungry, want me to give him a bottle or....?
Maya: bottle this time but I'll do it, can you feed hope
Lucas: okay which one should she have?
Maya: whichever
*Lucas quickly makes up a bottle and brings it and Noah to Maya, he passes her Noah and then the bottle before picking hope up and taking her to feed her her lunch*
Maya: hi baby, you hungry are you?
*she goes to give Noah the bottle and he takes it straight away*
Maya: clearly he is
Adam: so this is the baby that you were pregnant with when we saw you in New York
Maya: he is
Adam: his names Noah?
Maya: yeah
Adam: he's really cute
Maya: he is isn't he?
Adam: and that was hope that Lucas just took to feed?
Maya: yep
Adam: she's bigger than I thought she'd be
Maya: she's grown up really fast
Adam: so what are we gonna do this afternoon?
Maya: it's up to you, Lucas is going out into the fields for a while and I've gotta quickly pop over to see our friends Riley and Farkle cause they just came back from the doctors a little while ago and I wanna see how it went but I was thinking you could settle in this afternoon and we could have a campfire tonight
Adam: really? We can have a campfire?
Maya: sure, we do it all the time
Adam: that sounds super cool
Maya: I thought tomorrow we could go riding if you like, Riley and Farkle are having Noah for the afternoon because they want the practice before their baby comes in the winter so I thought if you wanted to we could go out for a ride, Lucas has been teaching hope and it's adorable, there's this really lovely horse you could ride
Adam: I like the sound of that, I wanna do all the things you do out here in the country because I doubt I'll get another chance to do them, mom's not really into this kinds stuff
Maya: you know you're welcome to come back, this isn't the only time you'll ever be allowed to come
Adam: wait really?
Maya: yeah
Adam: okay but I still want to try it
Maya: perhaps we can go down to one of the little hoedowns they like to do one night
Adam: what's a hoedown?
Maya: there's music and fun dancing and it's just a really good time, you can just mess around and have fun
Adam: sounds interesting, slightly questionable about the dancing but yeah
Maya: trust me it's more fun than you'd think
Adam: okay
Maya: okay, he's done let me just put his bottle back in the kitchen to wash later
Adam: cool
*maya heads in with the bottle to find Lucas still feeding hope*
Maya: having fun there?
Lucas: why is she so stubborn
Maya: she doesn't like that one much, that's why
Lucas: u thought it was the other one she doesn't like
Maya: oh Lucas, let me
*she hands him Noah and takes the spoon, she kneels down to hope's level and gets some on the baby food on the spoon, she brings it to hopes mouth and hope opens her mouth for Maya to put it in, Maya quickly finished the whole little jar of baby food*
Maya: wasn't that hard
Lucas: if I didn't love you so much if absolutely hate you
Maya: but you do love me so it's okay
Lucas: haha
Maya: when're you going down to the paddock?
Lucas: now if that's okay
Maya: cool, I'm gonna pop over to see Riley while Adams settling in
Lucas: okay, let me know what they say
Maya: you taking your phone?
Lucas: always do
Maya: then I'll text you later
Lucas: cool, do you want me to take Noah out with me? Let him get some fresh air?
Maya: if you want to
Lucas: okay I will then
Maya: alright, be careful
Lucas: I always am
Maya: I know
*they kiss and then Lucas leaves, Maya heads back into the living room*
Maya: alright, I'm gonna show you your room and then pop over the road quickly to see Riley if that's okay?
Adam: okay
*maya leads him into the room he's staying in*
Maya: sorry it's a little babyish, Lucas is in the middle of converting it so Noah can have his own room, he's building an extension on the back that's gonna be a guest room but he's not finished yet
Adam: he must be a busy guy
Maya: yeah, he's training to be a vet but at the moment he mainly helps out on the farm
Adam: do you work?
Maya: I waitress at the local restaurant where they throw the hoedowns that we go to but I'm still on maternity leave, Riley works there too so it's fun to work together
Adam: cool, so when will you be back from Riley's?
Maya: 15 minutes tops
Adam: okay I'll see you later then
Maya: okay, sorry about this I just really wanna know how it went and I promised I'd check in
Adam: sis it's cool, I don't mind, I'm just happy to be here instead of at home
Maya: why?
Adam: it's a long story, I'll tell you later
Maya: okay bye Adam
Adam: bye

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