Settling in

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*two weeks later as agreed Adam arrived with all his stuff, kermit said goodbye and then left once Adam had promised to call that night*
Maya: wow I was expecting more
Adam: nope, this is it
Maya: hey Lucas you gonna come help us with the boxes?
Lucas: of course
*they grab all the boxes and lead him to his new room, the paint having dried just in time for his arrival, it had been painted a nice blue with lighter blue carpets and matching curtains*
Maya: if you don't like the colours we can change them
Adam: it's great
Maya: don't worry we haven't forgotten the sheets we're gonna go out so you can pick your own later
Adam: oh okay
Maya: we're gonna sort out what you want to go in here over the next week or so
Adam: okay
Maya: you don't have to just go with what we say, if there's something specific you want or something you don't like or sor thing just say so and we can talk about it
Adam: no I really like it, it's bigger than I was expecting
Lucas: same, I swear it looks bigger inside than it does outside
Maya: alright we'll let you get settled in, come and tell me when you're ready and we'll go get the sheets and anything else you need straight away
Adam: okay
*they leave and Adam sits on his new bed, he looks around and smiles, meanwhile Maya and Lucas head into what is soon to be Noah's room to finish off the painting in there so he doesn't have to live in a pink princess room anymore*
Lucas: how was farkle when you went over earlier
Maya: he'd just come back from the doctors
Lucas: what did they say?
Maya: he's doing better at the moment
Lucas: but....
Maya: they don't think he's gonna stay that way
Lucas: what does that mean?
Maya: he's got a bad spell coming
Lucas: oh
Maya: yeah
Lucas: hows Riley taking it?
Maya: almost five months pregnant how do you think she's taking it?
Lucas: good point
Maya: she's really worried about how bad it might be when the baby comes, having to take care of a newborn and help Farkle
Lucas: it won't get that bad will it?
Maya: I really don't know, that was what they thought but it's been getting worse faster than they thought
Lucas: I thought they were going to start his treatment?
Maya: he's being an idiot, he says he can't take proper care of Riley while he's having the treatment because he's gotta stay at the clinic while he's having the treatment and he doesn't want her to have to be in the house alone while he's not there
Lucas: he does realise that she'd rather have him around all the time when the baby actually comes as opposed to while she's still pregnant right?
Riley: apparently if he starts the treatment now it might overlap with the baby being born anyway
Maya: riles hey!
Riley: sorry to barge in.....I just needed to not be there right now
Maya: it's fine, you know you're welcome any time
Riley: thanks
Maya: how you feeling?
Riley: physically, mentally or emotionally
Maya: by the time I was as far along as you are I wasn't able to compartmentalise so just hit me with all of it
Riley: physically I'm just tired, my back is starting to hurt, I need to pee more than I ever thought would be possible and I just can't even to be completely honest
Maya: I get it
Riley: emotionally I just want to scream, either at him or in general and mentally everything is running through my head so fast over and over again
Maya: I don't blame you
Riley: anyway, so, Adams here now then is he?
Lucas: yep
Maya. : we're gonna go pick out sheets and stuff later
Riley: I don't suppose you'd let me come too
Maya: course
Adam: I'm ready whenever you are sis
Maya: hey, Adam you wouldn't mind if Riley comes would you she just really likes shopping
Riley: I do, it's true
Adam: sure
Maya: come on then, I'll drive us up to the next town, it's a lot bugger and has better shops
Riley: YESSS!
Maya: she really likes the next town
Adam: I can tell
Riley: don't worry I'm this crazy all the time
Adam: I wasn't I like crazy people
Riley: then we're gonna get along just fine
Maya: come on you two slow coaches
*maya already being half way out he door*
Riley: hey I'm pregnant!
*she yells out to her best friend*
Maya: so was I and I was still faster than you
*she yells back, Lucas chuckles and Riley and Adam wander off after maya*


I neatly completely forgot farkle was sick woops xoxo

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