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Jack went home, with a lot on his mind. After his trip to the park, he started thinking about their past relationship. Was it really a good idea to let him go? Even though Mark broke up with him, he couldn't help but feel like he could've done something to save them. 

With all these thoughts in his head, he sat down. He didn't like thinking so much. Sometimes, his thoughts would get too deep, and it was hard for Jack to pull himself back to reality. 

It was quiet around his house. Usually, it was loud, full of Mark's laughter. But, ever since he left Jack, all he ever heard was silence. Silence meant he was alone, and he hated being alone. Sure, after they broke up, Jack tried dating, but it didn't work. He was still in love with someone else, and he couldn't help how he felt. 

Jack decided to try and take a nap before his thoughts took over. 

(cue flashback within the dream)

Jack was sitting on his couch when he heard Mark come in. 

"Hey Jacky. I need to tell you something." Mark said in a weird tone, was it nervousness? He sat next to Jack, who by then had given his friend his full attention. 

"I don't really know how to say this, but.... I like someone." Jack felt heartbroken, yet hopeful at the same time. Maybe he was talking about Jack. 

"I need advice. I've only known him for a little while, but I really like him. I want to ask him on a date, but I don't know if I should, or how I should." 

Jack didn't know how to react. Was Mark talking about him? As much as he wanted his friend to be talking about him, he had to help him. 

"Well, what's he like? I'm sure he must be someone special for you to like him." Jack said, trying not to sound sad, or even worse, jealous. 

"Well, he's cute, smart, funny, has an amazing smile. He's the kind of person you'd expect to be loud, but he gets quite shy. He puts other people's feelings before his. I don't know, Jacky. I'm falling seriously hard for him." Jack didn't know how to react. 

"Well,  I think you should go ahead and tell him. Who knows? Maybe he'll like you back. And if he doesn't then forge-" Jack was cut off by a pair of lips crashing onto his. He didn't do anything at first, but after a few moments, he kissed back. 

Their lips molded together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle. It was nothing like either of them had ever felt before. It was.. indescribable. 

(A/N guys, I'm so sorry that this is late, and that it's so short. It's just kind of hard for me, and I know that's not an excuse. I'm going to keep writing though, no matter how hard it gets. I hope you liked it. Byee my fluffy penguins xx ~Jesse)   

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