Don't You Tell Anyone

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Sam's (Lance's) POV 

Today was just like any other day. Since I was only 14 and it was the beginning of summer, I was stuck at home for most of it. Most kids would run straight home and soak in the summer and all it's glory. Me? I would try as hard as I could to stay at the library or go anywhere other then home. Sadly, Chippewa was a small town so everyone knew my dad. They'd tell him where I was and he'd drag me home and make me do chores. Since I was the bad boy, I never got to go anywhere. I never got to go out to eat with them or to go shopping. I would have to stay home alone and clean. If I did go, I only got things like water. My older sister, Lindsay, was 16 so she got to go to tenth grade. She was the good girl and the favorite of the family. I was the bad boy who was always reading psychology books and was always reading comic books. Favoritism at it's worst. 

I had this strange feeling like I was supposed to be named something else. The name Sam Weir just didn't feel like my right name. The name I kept feeling like should be mine is Lance Sweets. I had no idea why, but whenever I asked, I was tossed in my room and deprived of food and water.

Anyways, I got dressed in my same blue shirt and holey shorts. It hurt to put on my clothes, but if I complained, I would get tossed on my bed and the door locked. Good boys didn't whine and moan in pain unless they had a broken bone but not even then. If I cried at all, I would get locked in my room and deprived of food and drinks for two days. I was only one hundred pounds. That was small for my age. I was only five foot. Basically, I was smaller then I mentally was. I've been told I'm mentally two years older then my actual age, so I was 16 years old mentally. I put on my clothes. All over me there were bruises that were new and some that were old. If my back was looked at, they'd see dozens of scars. I was hit with an electrical cord several times by my dad. The nurse asked and would wonder but I lied that I was clumsy. I knew she was getting to the point where she didn't believe it anymore. 

I made my bed and walked out to make breakfast. I cracked three eggs and hard boiled them. I put toast in the toaster and cooked sausage. As I was cooking, my mouth was watering from this amazing food. Sadly, I would not get any of it besides the scraps I was left. I poured them each coffee and Lindsay orange juice. 

"Now go scrub the toilet," Mom shouted at me. 

I walked off obediently and as I was walking, I fell. I winced and got up. It was very painful but when I saw what they were doing, it hurt worse. They were laughing at me. I know I wasn't someone big and important, but I was still a person. What had I done to make them hate me so much? I know I wasn't a "normal boy". I didn't like sports, I loved comic books and star wars. I was basically labelled as a geek and I could read anyone by a mere glance which didn't earn me many friends. I only had two friends. Everyone at school hated me because Lindsay told them that I ate rabbits so everyone avoided me. 

As I was cleaning the bathroom, I felt tears blur my vision. If I was caught with tears, then I would blow my chance to finally eat. I ignored my tears and kept scrubbing. It took me about an hour to clean.

My bruises were extremely painful and my bones were a little weak. I had always hoped somebody would rescue me but I gave up that hope when I was ten. I knew I would be stuck here forever. I hated it here. The only people who liked me were my two best friends. One of my best friends was named Neal Schweiber. He had curly black hair and was Jewish. He loved puppets and loved comedy. I'd met him when I was five since he lived next door. On the other side of me was my other best friend, Bill Haverchuck. He's tall with short black hair and thick glasses. They were my support system and whenever I could, I would sneak away before I was caught. Once, I was caught and then locked in the house for two days. Now, I've managed to plan  my escapes very well. Since I'm usually left home alone, I just go over to one of their houses. They were my lifeline, basically.

As I was cleaning, I heard a knock at the door. 

"I'll get it. Lindsay, go on and play outside. Boy, go clean your sister's room."  

I obeyed but hid behind the wall.

The visitors at the door were a man and a woman. The man was a tall and strong. He had short messy brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was wearing a blue suit. From what I saw, he seemed like he was a caring and nice guy. The woman with him was tall and somewhat strong. She had bright blue eyes and her brown hair was in a ponytail. She was wearing a blue dress shirt with a red jacket and a jean skirt with high heels. They both seemed like very nice people. 

"Who are you?" Dad gave a fake sweet smile. 

"I'm Agent Booth and this is my partner, Dr. Temperance Brennan. We got a call about a little boy." 

Dad smiled. "We don't have a boy. We have a wonderful daughter." 

Typical. Dad always pretended I was the help. 

Dr. Brennan looked at him. 

"We have a warrant," Agent Booth walked in and I stood in the hallway. 

They were looking around and I fell again, this time considerably louder. 

They turned and ran towards the noise. Dad ran too, but Agent Booth and Dr. Brennan seemed to be much faster. Now, this wasn't on purpose, but it did get their attention. They would see what I was going through and maybe I'd be sent off somewhere. I tried not to get my hopes up. They'd see what a bad boy I was and then smile at my dad and then leave me here. Every adult in my life did that. 

When I looked closer at Agent Booth who was kneeling down, he had a look of deep concern in his eye. He had a look which I had never received from any adult before. The only people ho gave me that look were the nurse and Neal and Bill. He seemed really nice. Although the gun and handcuffs were sort of frightening, I felt safe. Next to him, Dr. Brennan was giving me the same look. A motherly look that said she loved me without saying it. How could she love a bad boy like me? Tears finally came out and I let them fall since I was safely out of Dad's reach. I started crying and Dr. Brennan helped me up. To her, I was really light. Once I was on my feet, she hugged me close to her chest and I could hear her heart beating. 

She held me close and rubbed my back soothingly. Instead of a stranger, I felt like she was a safety spot. "Shh, don't cry. We're gonna get you out of here." 

I sniffled. "You-you don't think I'm bad? I'm not normal. I love comic books and star wars. Dad and Mom said good boys like sports or manly things." 

She hugged me closer. "No, buddy. You're a very sweet boy. No child deserves this. You get to stay with us. If my husband agrees to it, we'll adopt you." 

I giggled. "Is Agent Booth your husband?" 

She nodded with a smile. 

Booth smiled. "Of course. I think Caroline can arrange that." 

I grinned.

"Have any explanation to why it is that your son is covered with all of these old and new bruises?" Booth had a hard glare. 

His brows were furrowed and his glare was so hard that it would break even Mom and Dad. 

Dad rolled his eyes. "The boy's clumsy."

Good lie, Dad. That's really gonna work with the authorities.

"Well, you and your wife are under arrest for the abuse of Sam Weir. You'll be in custody until further notice." 

He had a couple FBI agents put him and Mom who was glaring at me in the car. Lindsay, who had come in with her friend, Kim, glared at me. 

"You idiot!" She glared at me. 

I was still hugged to Brennan. She was really soft. Lindsay angrily hit me but I backed away.

"Booth, what about Lindsay?" 

He looked at her and then the agents. "Agent Winters, Agent Quimby, take her into emergency custody." 

I looked at them. "What-what about me?" 

Brennan smiled. She had the prettiest smile. 

"You, buddy, you get to first see the doctor and then we'll figure out how to adopt you." 

((How'd you like the story? Poor Sam/Lance!))

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