Time With Aunt Cam

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Lance's POV

I was in Aunt Cam's office again and was sitting in a chair by her. She was tall and wore a white turtleneck with a black skirt and black high heels. Her hair was long and black, pulled back in a ponytail. She seemed really stern, but was actually really nice. 

"Aunt Cam, why does Uncle Aubrey hate me?"

When I asked, I could tell she grew sad. Like I said, I can read a person by a single glance.

"He's just being mean. Sometimes, people just won't give some people a chance. " She pulled me onto her lap. 

I looked at her. "Do you think he'll try to turn people against me?" 

Outside of her office, I heard Dad yelling loudly at him. 

She chuckled. "I don't think so from what I hear." 

"But I like to read psychology books." 

She looked at me in shock. "You can understand them at your age?" 

I nodded. "I always turned to them when my kidnappers weren't around. Plus, I can read people with just a single glance. I know, weird."

She shook her head. "No, it's not weird, it's amazing. I think you should take an IQ test. I have one on me."

I looked at her with big eyes and nodded. I was so shocked when she had suggested that. For the years I'd been alive until now, I'd always been told I was weird and stupid. Or I was told that nobody was going to love a little boy who acted the way I did. Now, I had a group of people who genuinely cared about me. 

"Once you're done, I'll look over the test and let you know the results."

I took the test and I ignored the yelling outside. While I was taking my test, I thought about my new family. There was a mom and a dad, two uncles and three aunts. I had so many people who cared about me. Not everybody was so lucky. Not even I was until a few days ago. There was always a sneaking suspicion I had been kidnapped. I wasn't like them nor did I look any bit like them. 

I finished the test and Aunt Cam looked over the results. I read one of my psychology books. 

"Lance, you have an IQ of 178. You're a genius." 

I gasped. "Will Dad and Mom be upset?"

Cam shook her head. "Not even a bit. They'll be proud." 

I laughed. "Wow!" 

Mom and Dad walked in. "Hey, how was he?" 

I grinned. "I'm a genius."

Cam nodded. "Look at his score on the IQ test." 

Mom gasped. "Lance, you're a genius. My smart little boy." 

Dad chuckled. "How about you read in Mom's room, okay, buddy?" 

I nodded. Wow...A genius...

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