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As we pulled up to the house, I grew more curious about this guy Violet was talking about. I really think I might know him. Of course I haven't talked to him in over 3 years since we all separated. I still have his number, but I haven't had the courage to talk to him since the incident. When we got inside, we both sat on the couch quietly while Vi was flipping through channels. I turned to her and asked "Hey Vi?"

"Yes?" she replied in that sweet voice I love so much.

"Can you tell me about Luke Hemmings? Like what did he do?"

"Oh sure, well he was in a band. I didn't know much about them, but I did meet him. We talked for a while and after a month or so, he asked me to be his girlfriend. He didn't want me to meet the other members because he thought showbiz would mess me up. I only knew he was trying to protect me. And I don't know what happened, but he became very distant and wasn't going into the studio and I asked but he just blew up in my face, so I told him I had enough and I ended up breaking up with him. After that, I haven't talked to him since."

Woah. I think this is the same person, but it can't be. I mean I knew Luke had a girlfriend, but why is it SUCH a big coincidence that I stumbled upon her house. It doesn't make sense. My only response was "oh, i'm sorry that happened"

"Oh don't worry about it. It's been 3 years" really. She had to say that. Maybe I should call him tonight. I don't know. I mean he probably will still be mad at me. "Do you know where he is?"

"No I haven't seen him for a while. He might still be around, but possibly avoiding me"

With that I gave my condolences and went up to do some homework. I finished all of my geometry and english which took a good 2 hours. It was dinner time now, but I wasn't really that hungry so I just stayed in my room. I took out my phone and looked at old pictures of the band I giggled at the one where I was laying on the ground and Luke and Michael were hunched over while Calum was on their back. I furrowed my eyes in confusion at the ankle bracelet I was wearing. What was I? A 30 year old mother? I went to my contacts and pulled up Luke's number. Should I call him? No he won't answer. I just decided to press the call button. It won't work. To my surprise after about two rings, he answered.

"Ashton Irwin"

"Luke Hemmings"

"Haven't heard from you in 3 years"

"Yes I know, I'm sorry. I figured after what happened, you wouldn't want to talk to me."

"Man of course I do. What's up?"

"I need to ask you something..." I began to shake as the silence grew louder. I admit I was scared to hear his response.

"Yeah?" He said. I just decided that I needed to do this.

"Do you know a girl named Violet? Anderson?"

The other line grew quiet which worried me. I did head a sigh and knew that it was true.

"Dude, remember I had a girlfriend"


"That's her"

Everything finally clicked in my head. We were talking about the same guy. Wow. I couldn't believe this. I jumped as he answered again because I wasn't expecting another response.

"Wait, how do you know her, I never introduced you guys"

This is a little hard to explain.

"Well, I'm uh, I'm at her house, living with her"


"Look, meet me and her tomorrow after school at the front. I'll explain everything I promise"

With that I hung up and threw my phone down. Tomorrow will be a nightmare.


the next day

Ashton's POV

As I woke up I heard Violet's mom come in so I wouldn't sleep in again.

"Ashton, time to wake up sweetheart"

I slowly crawled out of my bed and got dressed. I put on my black converse, black skinny jeans and my Jimi Hendrix shirt. I played with my hair a little and put my bandana on as well and made my way downstairs. After brushing my teeth I got my bag and Violet and I went out the door. We sat in the car and I felt that I needed to tell her I was meeting someone after school, but not who I was meeting.

"Hey Violet, I need to meet someone after school, is that okay?" the way I said Hey Violet was interesting. That could be a band name one day.

"Yah sure. Need me to come with you? Since I am your ride".

I just giggled. "Yah sure"

I was nervous as hell. I haven't seen him in so long. When I got into school, Violet met up with her friends and I felt weird just hanging with a bunch of girls. Suddenly, a guy came up to me who was almost dressed the same. Except for his leather jacket and blue hair.

"Hey man, come hang with me, I'll save you" he said.

I turned around to Violet and gave her a look and she nodded.

"See ya later Violet" I said and winked at her. When I did some girls gasped. I guess they find that attractive.

"So what's your name dude" the guy asked.

"Ashton Irwin." I said.

When I said that, he stopped dead in his tracks. I turned around and gave him a weird look.

"Wait, Ashton Fletcher Irwin?"

"Ummm yeah" how did he know my name?

"Holy crap dude! It's me! Alex Gaskarth"

"Oh my god! How did I not recognize you?"

Seriously, these guys are amazing.

"Long time no see dude" I literally haven't seen him since the band split. His band was one of our biggest supporters ever. By the way his band is All Time Low. If you don't know. Hey that rhymed. Hehe.

"Dang, I didn't know you were friends with Luke's ex. That's rad dude"

"Yeah I didn't know either. Until I found out. I'm meeting Luke after school."

"Woah dude, really?"

"Yeah it's gonna be awkward"

After I said that the bell rang.

"I'll text you later. Tell me how it goes. Good luck!"

"I will"

I went to find Violet, since we had 1st period together. I finally found her surrounded by a million girls. "Hey Violet" I said which was a big mistake. Once the girls turned around they ran after me. Violet must've told them. I kept hearing "oh my gosh Ashton it's you!" or "Can I have a picture" which I did take pictures with some of them. After a while a teacher broke everything up and Violet helped me back to class.

"Sorry, it slipped" she said.

Awww, I could never get mad at her.

"No worries, it was kind of fun"

We just laughed and got into class, but when I did a lot of people were antsy. The teacher started yelling though.

"Girls calm down, now I understand it is very nice to have a former drummer in our midst, but we still have learning to do" Man, stuff gets around school so quickly. After a full day of taking pictures and signing autographs, it was time to leave. I met up with Violet and we walked to the front and spotted Luke. I saw the tall blonde hair and black shirt. He was turned around, but I felt Violet stop and her face was surprised but confused.


He quickly whipped his head around and his face was the same.

"Violet? Ashton?"

Thanks so much for the reads! Sorry for the cliffhangers, but I will try to update more! I love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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