Chapter 12: The Friend

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Hermione's POV

My stomach dropped when the rather large group of boys approached us. They started complimenting and cat calling at Amabel. I tried to ignore them, burying my face in a book. Ama didn't seem to mind them, she even engaged some of them into conversation.

"You don't look to bad yourself, Granger!" Someone called.

I blushed, looking deeper into my book. That's it, I was never dressing like this again.

Then my thoughts were interrupted again, by an emotion that wasn't my own. Anger; like, a lot of it. I glanced up. Sure enough, Malfoy was there, floating on his own broom, keeping a safe distance between us and him. Noticing my gaze, he looked away, and the rage faded.

"Hey, you lot!" I heard him yell soon after.

After screaming his team into submission away from us, he scowled at Ama before joining them. I turned to her, and to my surprise she was returning his glare. She noticed I was watching, and quickly turned her expression back into a smile.

"What was that about?" I asked her carefully.

She looked as though she was about to explain, but she sighed. "Oh, nothing," she sighed.

I accepted her answer, I wasn't one to pry. I nodded, and we returned to our work. Before long, the Slytherins started practicing. It was interesting watching them practice without an opponent. I looked up. Malfoy was the seeker and also the captain, and he floated above his team, watching their every move.

I turned quickly, feeling eyes on me, and caught Ama watching me. She watched me for a second, before gasping. I inhaled sharply. "Something wrong?" I asked, eyes wide.

She stood up. "You're his mate!" She almost screamed.

I gasped in surprise, looking around to make sure no one had heard her. She continued to stare at me in shock. I nodded minisculey, eyes wide. "I knew it!" She breathed again, sitting back down.

"How can you even tell?" I hissed.

"I can tell!" She explained. "There's that whole weird bond thing going on, I can sense it."

"Wait," I stopped her, putting the pieces together, still whispering, "You're a veela!"

She pursed her lips briefly, putting them into a thin line before nodding at me. I laughed.

"That's why you're so pretty!" I exclaimed.

She blushed slightly.

"And that's why the boys are always all over you!" I continued.

She nodded. "It get's bother some after a while," she admitted, "That's also why I'm not a fan of your... friend Draco over there. Male and female Veelas, we don't get along. I don't even know if he knows what I am, but he'll figure out why he has an unreasonable hatred of me eventually."

I giggle and nodded. I didn't know that, either. Maybe I should have done more reading. 

"Is that why I haven't seen you before?" I asked.

She frowned. "I was here at Hogwarts before, but my Slytherin classmates were... less than accommodating. It was because I was a half-breed, they said. I wasn't welcome there. But... it's better now," the smile returned to her face.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you in Slytherin?" I asked.

She laughed again. "The sorting hat can't read my blood, so as far as it knows my ability to... manipulate people, you could say, is all just a skill. I wouldn't be surprised if all Veela's were put in Slytherin because of that."

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