Chapter 20: The Mistake Part 2

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Narrator's POV (Rare but maybe not anymore)

It had been two days, and Hermione and Draco still hadn't spoken. Needless to say, Draco was beside himself, and the only person he could talk about it with was Blaise, because Pansy was still pissed, convinced that nothing that had happened was her fault, only the 'mudblood's'. He didn't care about her though, of course, but from his point of view Hermione was still furious at him for over reacting, and didn't wan't to see him.

But from Hermione's point of view, Draco was still angry at her for being with Ron and kissing him, and then going back to the hospital wing instead of going after Draco. But unlike him, Hermione had Ginny and Harry who were always ready to talk to her.

Ron and her hadn't spoken much, either. He had apologized several times, and Hermione had forgiven him, but there was still tension because Ron knew what he had caused. Hermione had become increasingly depressed and had relied heavily on Harry and Ginny to remind her of things like homework and her schedule. She just wasn't herself.

Coincidentally, the same thing was happening to Draco. Blaise found him caring about his schoolwork a lot less, and even quidditch failed to bring him the joy it used to. He even had lost some of his Malfoy confidence and charm. Nevertheless, Draco still spent just as much time with Blaise.

But the Veela and his partner were both becoming increasingly worse, sitting by themselves, staying quiet, and thoughts of their partner never ceased to float around in their minds.

It was, of course, worse for Draco because every part of his being wanted to be with her, and the time away from his mate was hurting him physically. Little did either of them know that it was about to get a lot worse...

Hermione's POV

I sat with Ginny on the love seat in the Gryffindor common room. I had been sleeping in there with Ginny for the past few days, and Harry had joined us once or twice. It was great having friends who cared about me so much, and I definitely needed them now.

Ron and Harry were playing Wizards chess, and Ginny was doing homework beside me. I had homework to do, but I didn't want to worry about it. I would do it later tonight, when everyone was asleep and I could be alone. I felt Ginny grab my hand. "Mione?" She asked.

I stared up at the ceiling, expressionless, but for Ginny's sake I put on a small smile and squeezed her hand. She was about to return to her homework but paused, and shortly after slammed her book shut into her lap and looked at me, exasperated. "You can't pretend anymore, Mione!" She explained.

"Pretend?" I asked, confused.

"That you don't miss him!" She exclaimed, "That you don't regret not talking to Malfoy for days, and that you don't regret letting my stupid brother get between you both!"

Ron turned red, but no one saw. I sighed. "Please Gin," I begged, "Stop talking about it, you're making me feel worse."

It was true, I started to feel worse, almost physically drained. "No," Ginny continued, "Please, Mione, do this for us, and yourself. Stop being so bloody prideful and go talk to him!"

"Stop!" I screamed, standing to my feet.

I didn't know why I had that sudden outburst that send Ginny back in surprise, but I just wanted her to stop talking about it. I was about to leave, but with my first step I felt dizzy, followed by immense pain, everywhere. I cried out in pain, and I tried to grab onto Ginny, but my hand couldn't find her. It felt like someone was using the Cruciatus curse on me.

"Hermione!" I felt all three of my friends scream at the same time. I couldn't answer. I felt myself hit the floor hard, but it was nothing but a gust of wind compared to the agony I was going through everywhere else. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, all I could think about was how this was going to come back around and hit Draco.

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