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I'm sorry if this seems annoying, but if you haven't heard of Marina Joyce, she's a YouTube star that people think has been kidnapped and is being drugged on video. She's been acting differently in her videos for the past few months. If you want more information on her, just look up "Marina Joyce" on YouTube and compare her video from a few days ago to the ones she first posted or posted last year.

I know a lot of people have been worried about her, and there are a lot of rumors about her body being found in a lake/river (forgot) or how someone heard her screams. Anyways, I watched a video about her and how she was first popular on an app called "YouNow" which is a livestreaming app. I downloaded it (it even connects to Facebook!) and looked up her name. She made livestreams a few hours ago and she avoids questions about her case of kidnapping and she acts quite strange in them. You can see a man in the reflection in some of it, and you can see that she's chained up.

You have to watch it for yourselves. I haven't watched them all, but she is not okay. Nobody just sits behind your camera while you livestream, and nobody is chained up for fun. If someone asks you a question about your surroundings, you don't avoid it. She seemed frightened and I want you all to watch her livestreams. We all need to work together to help her.

YouNow connects to your Facebook, so that's pretty helpful. I know you can access it from an Android phone if you have the Google Play Store. After you download it, just look up "Marina Joyce" on the search bar, and she'll pop up. Go watch up her latest livestreams.

This is urgent. This girl clearly has bruises on her arms and back, and she has been chained up. You can clearly see how scared she looks in her videos. The kidnapper probably has already raped her. If you don't believe that any of this is true, just look up #savemarinajoyce on  Instagram.

  Please share and tag your friends. I'm a human and so is she, and I won't stand for someone being filmed and has to act happy, when she's literally dying behind the camera. #savemarinajoyce

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