Part 3: Growing up

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Food does nothing but create problems that cannot be fixed and just make school even more of a hell. My compulsive eating has now earned me the nickname of "gorger" which I find really offensive and very damaging but who am I to stand up for myself? I am nothing compared to those girls. I have a big waistline. I have fat legs. I am fat. I am worthless.

Gina has found a new set of friends who she can be herself with and not have to worry about being bullied by hanging out with me. I am alone. Its amazing how school can change people.

My dad now has a new girlfriend who hates me, she only appeared during summer and already she pushing me out of the picture. I don't know why she hates me but she just seems to judge everything I do. My weekends at dad have turned into me waiting for them to get home so we can order pizza only to find Abbey (dads girlfriend) has bought be a salad on their way home from camping or the spa.... This bitch needs to go.

No one in this world is going to fight for me, no one cares about me. School is a place where the socially accepted feed on the innocence and weakness of the outcasts like me. I need to change. I need to fix these problems.

It's only year 8 and already my anxiety and depression is growing. I want to change for myself and to stop these comments. I have had enough of these people. 

I need to change who I am. 

This  is just the beginning of my change into the skinny fat girl.

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