Future, Hope and Hamsters.

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"Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy!" An older student greets, strolling up to meet you and Komaeda. She is wearing the standard uniform with a small badge pinned to her chest pocket that places her as a class representative. You smile awkwardly whilst your friend is too distracted by his surroundings to pay attention. "My name is Takahashi Nao." She beams as her hair seemingly floats in the breeze. "I'm the Ultimate Lie Detector." She looks over to Komaeda whilst holding her hand out for him to shake it.

"Well, I am Komaeda Nagito, Ultimate Pianist." He replies, a casual grin on his face. You watch Nao's dark eyes narrow whilst a smirk is present on her face. You notice her stance shift a little whilst she tightens her grip on Nagito's hand.

"There is no need to test my abilities Komaeda-san." She replies in a cold tone. You watch as she lets go of him and turns to face you, a warmer smile on her face. You bow down a little, in awe of her ability before introducing yourself.

"My name is (L/N) (Y/N), Ultimate C-"A loud shout from across the pavement, however, cuts you off. The three of you look up and see an odd looking boy arguing with one of the staff members. The older man dwarfs the boy in hat, but there is no sign of him backing down.

"I can't let you bring them onto school property!" The staff member shouts, his fists clenched tight as the boy glares him down. Intrigued, you take a step forward to get a better look. The adult appears to be an intimidating man with an impressive set of muscles. You take in his stance and how he holds himself before looking over at the boy. He is definitely scrawnier, with pale skin and a strange scar covering one of his eyes. Most notable, however, is the purple scarf billowing out behind him.

"I cannot be without my Four Dark Devas of Destruction!" The boy bellows, stretching out his arms to reveal four hamsters of varying size. You can't help but be impressed with how well trained the hamsters are. "Now let me pass, foolish mortal." The boy continues, staring the man down without a hint of fear. Subconsciously, you take another step forward and tap the adult on the shoulder. He spins around and you notice that he is wearing a security guard badge as he looks you up and down in distaste.

"What do you want, punk?" His voice is deep and commanding, causing you to shiver a little and take a step back.

"There was a man climbing over the fence back there..." You lie, pointing to somewhere in the distance. The guard looks at you sceptically, tilting his head to the side. "He had a camera and I think he may be going to the gir-" The guard cuts you off, sensing where you are going with your speculation. He bolts off at a rather impressive speed; leaving you alone with the boy.

"Are you ok?" You ask, watching as three hamsters scurry around the boy's arms. Another appears to be sleeping rather comfortably on his head.

"That foolish mortal couldn't possibly hope to defeat a dark lord..." He replies, leaving you to assume that that meant yes.

"I'm glad!" You reply, smiling at him. He looks a little taken aback, before reaching to the top of his head where one of his hamsters is currently sleeping and cradles it lovingly in his hand. You are about to comment on how cute it is when a voice calls out from behind you.

"You can join our group!" Nao beckons. You and the boy head over, watching as Nao continues to lecture Nagito on 'testing her talent'. You chuckle as he holds his hands up defensively; claiming that it was just an honour to see such an impressive talent in action.

"I'm sorry about him." You state as Nao lets out a sigh of defeat. She looks up at you and smiles a little.

"It's fine; this place is full of eccentrics." She explains, turning to focus on hamster boy. "So, what is your name then?" She asks, taking in his odd appearance.

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