He Hardly Will Be Caught A Second Time

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Trigger Warning for violence

After what seems like an eternity, your senses slowly come back to you; starting with an intense throbbing pain in your left ankle. You try to open your eyes but a harsh, artificial light causes you to squint in pain. You end up raising a hand to try and block out some of the light, allowing you to get a look at your surroundings. At first, your surroundings seem unfamiliar and foreign with dark shapes looming menacingly around you.

You manage to make out that you are surrounded by desks acting like a barrier; blocking your view to the rest of the room. You then notice a series of words have been carved into the wooden surfaces that chill you to the bone. The writing is jagged and harsh, making the words more threatening.

Welcome to Hope Peak's first killing game

You try to stand up, but the pain in your ankle causes you to fall back to the ground. Nervously, you look down to your wounded ankle, finding that has been wrapped in a bandage with a bloody splodge leaking through the material. You can only guess that one of your attackers dealt the blow when you were trying to run away from them.

Thankfully it doesn't seem to be too damaging, but you really don't want to risk it and so you try to stand up again; this time placing your weight onto your right foot. Once upright, you get a good look at the room you are in and instantly recognise it as your old classroom. Almost everything is the same; except for the over turned desks and a collection of stick figures crudely drawn on the wall. Taking a closer look, you notice that each one seems to resemble a class mate; from Teruteru's short frame to the muscled body of Nekomaru.

What sticks out to you, however, are two figures removed from the group. One looks a lot like you in proportion to the others, but the drawing that is next to you isn't familiar. The only defining feature is long hair which cascades down their frame. You can also see a pair of eyes, coloured in red chalk that causes them to stand out against the darkness that surrounds it.

You take a step back from the board when a loud slamming sound echoes throughout the building. Without thinking too much, you swing the classroom door open and head into the hallway, your eyes scanning your surroundings in an attempt to find the source of the noise.

"Hello!" You yell, your left ankle still hurting as you shuffle towards the stairwell. The faint glow from artificial lights guide you, each one turning off behind you with a loud click. As you open the door leading to the stairs, you hear a loud yelp ricocheting downwards like a bullet.

You attempt to quicken your pace, but every time you place pressure onto your foot you're reminded of the injury. Despite this, you try to push on as a loud cry echoes through the building. Your heart rate increases significantly as you notice a red smudge on the floor. A part of you brushes it off as paint or maybe even juice, but you can't help but think it may be something more sinister.

As you round the next corner, a horrific sight stops you mid-run. Two students lay on the cold floor, a pool of shining liquid surrounding them. You slow your pace as you walk up to them, noticing pained expressions on their faces; eyes widened in horror and jaws hanging open limply. It is only when you look up that you notice a pole sticking up at a right angle.

Immediately, you push yourself away from the pair; placing a now bloodied hand over your mouth in a desperate attempt to prevent a pitiful cry escaping. Whoever did this might still be around, and you really didn't want to meet them. Despite your mind telling you to run, however, another loud cry forces you to continue onwards; not willing to sit by if someone is in danger. You are so distracted by the cry that you don't notice the mutilated body of one of the upperclassmen, which is probably for the best.

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