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      Ashley/ Julie gasped, "Christie!"

     "Yep, that's right, best friend." Jessica/ Christie said sarcastically.

     "I'm sorry we made you feel like a third wheel, but that's not a reason to kill us!" I exclaimed.

     "That's not the only reason." a guys voice said, approaching us. He also had a knife. It was Thomas.

     "Hey sis!" he said in a fake joyful tone.

    "Marty?" I yelled.

    "Did you really think I was just going to sit back and let you two ruin my life? You're wrong."

    "Marty, what are you doing?" Ashley/ Julie shrieked.

    "Killing you, of course." Thomas/ Marty said cheerfully. "This isn't my first time. Do you know I've killed before?" Ashley/ Julie gasped. "It's hard to kill by yourself, so I got an assistant." Jessica/ Christie stepped up and they kissed. "And a girlfriend."

    "No!" Ashley/ Julie screamed.

     "Yes. But maybe if you paid more attention, best friend, you would have seen it." Jessica/ Christie stated.

     I was in shock. Ashley/ Julie and I were frozen in fear. We didn't even see them walking towards us, talking about what they were about to do. I couldn't understand what they were saying, because it was a frigid, scratchy whisper.

    What happened next was strange. We ran from Thomas/ Marty and Jessica/ Christie, then suddenly, we were in the girls locker room. Ashley/ Julie was lying on the floor, dying. Blood was splattered on the white wall. The golden lockers were oozing crimson. I was on my knees, weeping over my dying girlfriend. Thomas/ Marty and Jessica/ Christie chuckled with delight, both of their blades dripping red. With hot tears running down my cheeks, I spoke to Ashley/ Julie. "You will live, Julie."

    "Rick, I don't believe in the impossible." she gasped out. "Promise me one thing."

    "Anything, Julie."

    "Don't--" and with that, she drew her last breath, and died.

    "Julie!" I screamed, but knew it was pointless.

    "Now that that's over, you ready to join her, Rick?" Marty said, eager for the kill.

   "You ,monsters! That was your sister! And your best friend!" I asked, furious.

    "Save your breath, you don't have long left." Christie said excitedly.

    I then noticed a sharp pain in my stomach. I felt nauseous. I looked to see I'd been stabbed.

   "Go finish the job, babe." Marty told Christie.

   I ran. I didn't make it far. I was outside, leaning against the school rock, when I felt a pain at my heart. I saw Christie's knife in my chest. I fell.

    "Very good." Marty said.

    "Marty, I have something to tell you." Christie said.

    "And what's that?" I felt myself slipping away.

    The last thing I heard before death was two words that chilled me to the bone. "I'm pregnant." Then, I died.

I woke up in a cold chill, screaming. I looked at my screeching alarm clock. The date read, Decmeber 5th.

High School Horrors Book One: The Haunting of Jones High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now