An open letter to the man who made me, but didnt want me.

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Dear, the only person I actually truly feel sorry for,

I used to stay up late and wonder what I did that made you stop coming to get me. I used to cry myself to sleep because maybe it wasn't something I did, it was just me. I used spend my younger years trying to become the perfect daughter so that one day I could prove to the man that didn't want me that I was worth it.

Honestly? As I'm sitting in my bedroom writing this letter, listening to my actual father and my brother play downstairs in the living room, the last thing that I'd want, in this entire universe, would be for you to knock on my door.

And when I say "actual father", I don't mean the man who gave me life with his DNA, I mean the man who raised me. I mean the man who taught me right from wrong, who gave me piggy back rides to the store and helped me learn how to tie my shoes. The man who's family took me like I was one of their own and actually made me feel like I was worth loving.

The only person you will ever be to me, is the person who gave me life.

Another thing that I should point out is that fact that I'm not sorry that you stopped coming to get me. It's probably the best thing that you've ever done.

If you continued to try and be in my life, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I wouldn't be in the same place. I wouldn't have the same friends. I wouldn't have the same life, and without you I'm perfectly okay. I love who I am. I love the people who I have. I love everything about the situation I'm in.

I hope you're happy that you missed out on being in a wonderful human being's life, because I am a wonderful human being. Out of the things you've messed up by doing, this I would consider the worst.

the daughter you'll never have the pleasure of knowing

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