Chapter 5

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Siren's POV

You thought! This was my one thought as I sat Indian style on the floor of Chaos and Order's bedroom. It was the middle of the night and both of them were out like a light. The silence was peaceful, with the exception of the two immortals shuffling occasionally. They were weird and didn't breathe as often as I thought.

Ok, getting back to the reason I was being a creep, I took a silent breath and called upon my patron's powers. I started with Lady Order because I felt like she was a light sleeper. I reached out and felt for her mind, instantly I felt like I was thrust through space until I was stopped roughly by a wall of green.

Standing up, I looked around, I was in a grassy meadow with a beautiful light all around. The air smelt sweet and I could taste a bit of salt. I listened closely, I heard waves in the far distance, turning toward the sound I followed it. After a few minutes, the ground under my feet switched to sand and a sea of memories washed the shore.

I smiled, my element. Whispers sounded from the mix of experiences that stayed stuck in Order's mind. I sat down Indian style again on the sand. I tried to summon the water to me so I could decipher the individual memories. Nothing happened.

I tried again, waiting for the tug in my gut. Again, nothing happened. I frowned, why was it not working? I contemplated for a few minutes. I observed the memories. Suddenly it hit me, memories! It wasn't water, or any type of liquid, these were memories.

I called Lady Hera's power once again. Quickly my vision was enveloped with all of Lady Orders memories. I scanned them swiftly, ignoring them all. Searching for a couple moments until I pulled back. This was going to take forever. Where would the most recent ones be?

I tried to think, but the sound of the waves hitting the shore kept distracting me. Frustrated I glared at them, but the last wave caught my eye. My jaw dropped, it was me in the memory. Me, but I was in the signal room, in Snake's arms. I realized this memory was when Twizne was just destroyed, FIVE YEARS AGO.

Another wave hit, it was Ebony and I gathering our gear before we headed out on a mission together. I remember this, it was about four years ago when some people I had saved were trying to use their interactions with me against some bad dude who turned out to have a change of heart.

Yeah that mission wasn't fun, I remember how angry I had been, of course I didn't express it, but everyone could tell. That's when it hit me, every wave was a year. I kept up from my spot, brushing sand off my body. I jumped into the air and spread my wings.

The sweet wind held me up and I glided. Quickly I tracked two waves back, it was going closer to the shore. As fast as I could I went through the memories of this past year. Pinging in on a conversation between Lord Chaos and Lady Order, I swept up that memory, taking it in my hand. After that I tunneled in on our conversation last night.

This time, I stretched out the memory and snipped the parts I wanted to take in the memory and left the rest. Flying back to shore, I held the bits of experience Lady Order had I didn't wish for her to keep, and crushed them in my hand.

They broke apart into tiny pieces. I lit my hand aflame and the memory pieces disintegrated. Satisfied, I withdrew from Lady Order's mind. I slammed back into my body and I let Lady Hera's blessing rest.

After a quick break, I searched for Lord Chaos' mind. I found it and ended up being sucked into a vortex of space. I was spit out into a place that reminded me of New York, so busy with everything happening, but also orderly because it was everyone's daily schedule.

I walked to the nearest crossing of cars. Except they weren't cars, instead they were some sort of bike that spit starfire and floated around the star lighted space. Observing the traffic, it only took me a few seconds to realize the memories were the bikes.

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