Chapter 7

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"OMG! I just can't believe you didn't tell me!" Mandy continued to squeal as I resisted the urge to violently bang my head against my locker door. She had been screeching about Derek and me for the past 10 minutes.

"Look, Mandy, I honestly didn't expect him to do it here at school. I thought he was going to ask me in private. If he had done that, you'd have been the first person I texted." I sighed. I felt guilty for lying to her, but I didn't want to have this conversation here or now.

She seemed content with my excuse and dragged me to lunch. I felt the eyes of my peers burning through my body as soon as I entered. I could hear their gossip as I weaved my way through the benches.

I sat down in the far corner, away from the other tables, pretending to not see their blatant stares.

Stupid Derek, you should've just picked someone else. I'm going to kill him.

Mandy and I, deep in conversation, didn't notice that someone had approached our table. I felt a hand on my shoulder and nearly choked out of surprise. I looked to her for a hint of who this was behind me, but she was frozen giving me no help.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked bluntly, turning around.

I really wish I didn't, because the owner of that hand was Derek.

I can't catch a break, can I?

Wondering why everyone looked so shocked, I slowly realised why.

Shit, we're "dating".

Forcing a fake smile, I turned around fully to face him.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else. What's up babe." I asked through a tight-lipped smile. This was harder than I thought.

"You promised to sit with us today, remember, Hon?" He "reminded" me sweetly. His voice was too sweet, sickeningly so.

As I apologised to Mandy, she told me it was no problem because she was going to sit with Robert.

Dammit, Mandy. Why didn't you fight for me?

Sighing, I picked up my tray and joined my "boyfriend" and his friends at their table.


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