Chapter 44

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  • Dedicated to To Everyone who's reading my story :)

Ehh.. Not my favorite chapter :(


Seth's P.O.V

I took a deep breath as I stood outside of Jake's house. 

"So can we get this over with" Katie asked annoyed.

Sam said that Chelsea would be here with Jaye, who's come back from L.A. and who slapped me. Which I admit I deserved for hurting the love of my life. 

My imprint.

I brought Katie over to tell Chelsea that I never kissed her and that Katie kissed me.

I just hope she'll believe her.

Billy came out of the house

"Hey Katie can you sit and wait over by that log.

"Okay" She smiled and walked away.

 "Seth! How are you?" He asked. I smiled. "Hey Billy, I'm good" I said. He came closer. "So Sam told me the Volturi are coming" He said. I nodded. "They think Renesmee's an immortal child" I responded.

"So there's gonna be a bunch of vampires passing through" I finished. He nodded. "Well I'll see you late kid, I'm going over to have lunch with Charlie and Sue" 

I waved as he wheeled away.

I walked into the house. 

I could hear laughing coming from down the hall. I followed the voices. 

I softly knocked on the door that had Jaye's name on it. The laughter stopped and the door opened. Jaye stood in front of me. Her smile turning into a frown. 

"What are you doing here" She snapped. 

Chelsea appeared.

"Can I talk to Chelsea?" I asked. 

"Can I jump off a 200 ft high cliff and land perfectly on my two feet? No I can't," She closed the door on my face. 

The door re-opened, Chelsea stood in front of me. 

My world stopped as I looked at her, Her beautiful hair was cut short. 

"What do you want Seth" She asked annoyed. "Can I please talk to you...outside" I asked hopefully. She sighed and turned around. Jaye rolled her eyes. "Fine" She muttered and walked past me.

"Wait!" Jaye called after her. "I'm coming with you" She through an 'Ha in your face" smile at me, I frowned at her. To think this was the girl I played with when I was 11.

I followed them out the door. 

Chelsea stopped when she saw Katie. She turned towards me, anger glowing in her eyes. 

Chelsea's P.O.V

I felt like someone punched me as I spotted her sitting on the log. Her perfect brown hair blowing in the wind. She smiled as she looked at me.

Jaye gasped next to me.

"Oh no he didn't" She whispered. 

I turned around and faced Seth. "What is she doing here" I demanded, trying to keep myself from ripping her perfect little head off. 

"You have to be the most retarded ex-boyfriend ever!" Jaye laughed at him. He turned away from her and looked at me. 

"I brought her here because she wanted to tell you something" He turned to what's her face.  She grinned and walked towards us. More like skipped like a stupid happy little bunny.

"Just the sight of her makes me want to hit her over the head with a shovel" Jaye joked. I gave a small smile.

She stopped next to Seth and smiled, her eyes twinkling like stupid little stars in the night.

Gosh I hated her beauty.

"Hi" She said all happy and peppy.

Hi you stupid slut, it's time for you to die. I thought to myself

"My names Katie" She grinned. "Hi I'm Jaye" Jaye said copying Katie's annoying voice. "Oh i know who you are" She squealed. I rolled my eyes. "You must be Chelsea" She grinned towards me. "The one and only" I put on a fake smile.

Suddenly her face got serious. 

"Listen Chelsea, I am so sorry for kissing Seth. I didn't know he had a girlfriend, I'm really sorry" Her voice made me want to grab her little neck and choke the life out of her.

"Oh PUH-LEASE Chels, you seriously aren't listening to this crap are you?" Jaye asked. I sighed. "Yes I am, and Katie I forgive you" I smiled at Seth. 

He returned the smile.

"What?! Chelsea, she kissed your boyfriend." Jaye whispered harshly in my ear. I ignored her, and turned back to Seth.

"I forgive you too" I whispered. 

"What the hell is wrong with you" Jaye whispered harshly

I stepped closer to Seth. 

"I forgive you, but I don't think we should  get back together, at least not for a while." I whispered. 

His smile faded away.


"I'm sorry Seth, but you put me through a lot of pain and I just think, it's going to take me a while to get over it" I pulled back. 

A hurt expression crossed his face. 

"I think this is the part where you walk away" Jaye whispered to Katie. She looked surprised and walked away.

"I'm sorry Seth" I wiped away a tear that escaped my eye. 

I could feel my heart slowly breaking. 

He nodded and turned around, he started walking away. He turned back around, tears filled his warm brown eyes.

"I love you Chelsea" He mumbled and walked away into the woods.

I took a deep breath.

Jaye wrapped her arms around me as my tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Chels" She whispered.

"It gets better though" She hugged me tighter.

"I hope" I whispered.


atleast for now :)


I have decided to no longer upload!

Atleast not for a while. 

I have decided to work on my other story.


Sorry, don't hate me :(

But still comment and vote for the next chapter :) A lot of hate and happines coming :) Let's just say Chelsea and Katie will not be getting along :)

Oh and thanks for reading!! I love you all :)

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