Sarah and I are great friends but everyone thinks that she likes me like relationship like I know she doesn't well I hope not. all the boyz think we should go out but I don't wanna ask cause if she says no then I will be rejected and then she And I won't be friends you know weird tension and then she'll think I like her and and and but if she says yes than we can go out
But when we break up she won't wanna be my friend so outta pros and cons, cons wins!
I can't I didn't wanna go out with her it just seems wrong like yeah she's cute...... Nah she's Fuckin smoking and her hair ahhh and her bluey greeny eyes ahhh NO! I can't. here she comes no no don't of course when I crush on u. U just have to sit next to Me.😨😰😱😵💘💔❤
Just Friends
ChickLitA friendship or is something more than just that u r soon to find out pls follow me and I will follow u back pls help me out I am not good at writing narratives and hey follow my old account and read my quote book I made that book when u was only 9...