1st Day Down

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Lexi's POV
Ugh, my alarm didn't go off! I am late for my first day of school damn it. I can't wait to go to school and be around a whole bunch of people a year younger than me. This is my second year in 7th grade. Which really sucks. I knew my mom was going to kill me for waking up late. I went downstairs and saw her laying down on the couch drunk like she usually is first thing in the morning. You see, my mom won't admit it. But, she is a alcoholic. She drinks a whole bottle of wine a night and maybe a beer or two after. I got to wake her up so I can have her drive me to school. I quietly walk over "mom......mom... I woke up late". She instantly threw her body up. "Lexi, why the fuck didn't you get up!?! Can you do anything right for once in your fucking life?" ... I stood there pretty chill. I mean, she is always like this. She is pretty mean. "I'm sorry, my alarm never went off". I stood there shaking a little. "Whatever Lexi, just go get your fucking shit so I can drive you to school". I quickly run upstairs and grab a pair of black skinny jeans, a avenged sevenfold shirt, and my black converse and put the crap on and go back downstairs. I tell my mom I'm ready to go. She is upstairs throwing on a black tank top, a grey jacket and a pair of old leggings. I swear that's all she wears. I grab my backpack and open the door and go to the car while my mom goes and gets her zebra printed flip flops. She came out a minute or two later after I got in the car. "Lexi, you really need to learn to fucking wake up on time, this is ridiculous". I groaned. There is no point of even saying anything back because she argues over every little thing. Anyway, I take out my black EarPods I got off eBay and plug them into my phone. I chose my favorite band, my chemical romance. I usually listen to music when I'm around my mom so I don't have to hear her constant bitching and talking shit. The car ride was quiet. When we arrived at the school I said bye and went into the main entrance. "God I hate this school so fucking much" I mumbled to my self as I walk into the attendance office. "Hi... I am late for school today because my alarm didn't go off" I say to the attendance lady. She sighs and says "well, that's not a good way to start off the year now is it?" I roll my eyes. " No mam, it isn't. May I please have a pass for class for being tardy?". She opens a drawer in her desk and pulls out a tardy slip. "What's your name sweetie?" She says calmly. "Lexi Jimenez mam.." I mumbled. She smiles. "That's a very nice last name Lexi, sounds Hispanic". I laugh a little. " I'm part Costa Rican so that's where I get the last name. Anyway can I have my pass now?" She sighs. "Yes , here you go. Don't be tardy again girly, have a good day" I tell her thank you and then proceed to walk to my locker. They gave me a bottom locker. I am to tall for a bottom locker I think to myself. Ugh. I open my locker and throw my phone and book bag in there. I grab my binder and proceed to walk to class slowly. I realized shortly after that I won't know anyone. I'm around a whole new group of kids. "Maybe I'll make some friends this year." I think to myself. I arrived at my first period class. Passed by quickly. Was very boring. "Blah blah blah welcome to the new school year" the teacher blabs and blabs. "God, this year is going to fucking suck." I thought. This is going to be a very interesting school year..

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