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The moon had swung around the horizon, and the rain continued to hit the earth in a heavy pace that could be heard on the roofing of Jasper's house. The droplets of water were almost invisible from the condensation of his bedroom windows, created with a thick glaze on the glass mainly from the heavy breathing of the two. Though they had long settled with limbs entwined and breaths matched, she felt something she had not yet felt before, she could not help but stop and realise how utterly odd it was to feel this content, in bed, with a stranger after having shared such an intimate connection in the face of one of the simplest connections; mere kissing.

His heart fluttered to the tune of her small voice that filled his ears with a light, harmonic tune. "Can I ask you something?"

She wondered why they were pretending they were in love, why their hands held each other like the action had some kind of old, meaningful context. She wondered why they lay so close when they did not even know one another. She wondered a lot of things—most of all being; what exactly drove them to consummate primal lust with a tender embrace?

"Go ahead, princess." He nodded, his thumb tracing out the carving of her spine on her pale, naked back, and his other hand, reaching up to brush milky strands of hair away from her face as she shifted her head up to look back at him... their lips almost touched, yet somehow, not quite at all.

"Is this just a 'the sun comes up and we never see each other again' kind of thing?" The girl asked only after a moment's hesitation. Her lips were heavy, and the light of a lamp to her side both irritated and soothed her. Just as she didn't like the way it revealed her bright cheeks at the hint of a shy question to the man, she was grateful she could see the small tug of the corners of his lips as he took in such a thing.

I don't normally cum and go—was what she wanted to tell the man, but something reticent inside of her told her otherwise.

The man simply bowed his head closer to her and placed his mouth against her parted, ready lips to silence her question, his fingers moving through her hair with twists, a light tugging at the most. Yet Genevieve found herself giving in; if he were not to answer her question, there was no point spending their remaining hours looking up at him with an anger he did not know she harboured. She would be to make the most out of it and hope for the best.

That exactly, is what played through her mind as she slipped from beneath the sheets, squeezing her eyes shut as her feet hit the floor with a sound louder than she had anticipated -- yet the man failed to do so much as stir in his own slumber. The arm that had held her fell limply to the mattress, the shits that had encased her settled... it was as if she had never even been there. The girl breathed a sigh of relief as she tiptoed her way into the bathroom and groped around in the darkness. She couldn't help a small shudder to the effect of the tiles against her feet.


she finally found her sneakers (abandoned by the countertop) and with fingers hooked in the soles, padded silently out of his ensuite and in the general direction of his bedroom door, lit by a small crack of the kitchen light he had left on.

She shuddered once more, the wooden flooring of the hallway proving colder than that of his bedroom and as she continued her trek away from his door and in her remembered direction of the laundry.

It was not hard to track down the sound of the dryer, though it remained a humble, soft purr, as she held her breath once more and gripped the door of the dryer to pull it open as the tumble-drying of her clothes ceased to a stop and she could reach in to retrieve her garments. She cursed under her breath as she remembered the tragic fate of her panties, forgotten on the man's floor, and slipped on her warmed clothes- the warmed clothes that did little to ward off the cold, not even when she shrugged her jacket on over the attire and slipped her feet into her shoes.

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