2 - Two Boys In Love (part one)

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Before I begin this story, I'd like you to know that there may be a bit of delay between these parts. There may be 2 parts, or more. My life's very busy at the minute so there may be a slight hold up. As I said at the beginning, there may be a few ships so don't get mad at me if this isn't your ship. You may ship Foxy X Mangle or Springtrap X Mangle. This will be a story about Foxy and Springtrap fighting over Mangle, the one girl they're both in love with. It is NOT a sad ending. Foxy will just have to wait for another dream girl, but that's for another day! Now, let's begin...

Foxy was sitting alone in his Pirates Cove, listening to Freddy irritatingly making noises in the back room. He looked outside, noticing everyone else was covering their ears. "What is Freddy doing?" Foxy yelled but nobody could hear him over the noise. So Foxy went back into his Pirates Cove to sit alone once again. He thought to himself, someday I won't be alone in here, I'll have a best friend. Or even better, a girlfriend. He was so lost in his dream until,
"Foxy! Foxy, wake up!" Foxy slowly clambered to his feet to see Bonnie excitedly smiling at him. "There's a new girl! Her name is Mangle! You'll love her! She's a fox, just like you! Quickly! Before someone else sees her!" Foxy, without warning, pounced out of Pirates Cove sending Bonnie flying and headed over to 'Mangle'. When he reached her, she was with Freddy as he was introducing her to everyone. Just before Foxy had got there, he saw Springtrap, who had finally come out of his old storage room to greet the new girl. Foxy, just a few metres away watched as Springtrap said hello to Mangle. Ok he's just saying hello, nothing more. Phew! I can finally try and get a girlfriend! Foxy thought but just as he thought that, he saw Springtrap bend down, take her hand and gently kiss it. Foxy had never seen Springtrap like this before! He must have really liked Mangle. Foxy watched in agony as Freddy said to Springtrap,
"Springtrap, why don't you give Mangle a tour of the Pizzaria and get to know her a bit more?"
"I'd be honoured to! Come with me Mangle. I'll take you to Foxy's Pirate Cove first." Springtrap said in a loving way. Mangle giggled. "Sure, I'd love to." Nononononononono! This can't be happening! Foxy thought. He darted back to Pirates Cove and found a plushie to give to Mangle. In fact, it looked exactly like her! Perfect! A few moments later, Springtrap came round with Mangle.
"This is Pirates Cove, whe-"
"Pirates Cove? That's an odd name!" Mangle spluttered.
"I know right? This is where Foxy stays." Springtrap said, "Foxy, can we come in?"
"Y-yeah sure!" Foxy said back as Springtrap pulled the curtains back...

As the three of them got settled in, Mangle spoke up, "Hi, are you Foxy?"
"Why yes." Foxy said. Springtrap was giving him a funny look. "Uh... I hear you're new here. So I wanted to give you this, as a welcoming present." He pulled out a soft, fluffy plushie that looked just like Mangle. "H-here, I got this for you." He blushed.
"It's- it's lovely!" She said blushing. Springtrap looked like he was going to explode.
"C'mon Mangle, we have a lot to see!"
"Ok! Let's go! Thanks Foxy, it's been nice meeting you." Mangle said as she opened the curtain and walked away with Springtrap. Foxy was left seeing them off as Mangle said to Springtrap, "he's weird, but he's so nice an-"
"Yeah I know right! He's the one who supposedly caused the bite of 87!"
"What?" Mangle said surprised.
"Yup! And he's also a heartbreaker. I wouldn't go near him if I were you."
"Oh, that sounds really bad! Ok then I'll stay away from him..."

Foxy watched as Springtrap told Mangle lies about him while they walked away... Foxy couldn't help but slump back into Pirates Cove and sit in a corner, isolated and alone...

(End of Part 1)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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