The Ninth Letter

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Dear Jake,

Before you read the rest of this, please know that technically I'm not a stalker. OK? Good. Now, onto the letter. Today I saw Rylee come up to you, and she started making out with you. For a few seconds, you seemed to really enjoy it. And I was happy for you, but slightly disgusted. All of a sudden, you pulled away. Ryle started looking around the classroom, making sure nobody was paying attention to you guys. Nobody was...except for me. Then she turned to you and said, "Babe, why are you doing this? You've been too distant lately." And you said, "Rylee, I'm not in the mood for you right now. Go." Then she almost started crying, so she ran away, bumping into me. She mumbled, "Move away, Freak."  I wonder, Jake, would you have pushed me away if I was kissing you, instead of you kissing Rylee?



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