Pokemon Go

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*You play the game at your Aunt's, and you realize you ain't on your Aunt's property anymore.*

"Well.... at least I didn't find a dead body."

*You keep playing until your foot hit something: A dead body.*

"Wow." *Thinks for a second* "WELL AT LEAST I DIDNT FIND TWENTY BUCKS" 

*You run around like crazy, hoping you'll find twenty bucks. You find twenty bucks.*

"Yay! Wait... I mean NOOOOO." *Thinks some more* "Well a least I didn't run into a cute guy."

*You fix your hair and go back to playing. You then run into a guy about your age who is cute. But then you see the blood on his shirt, and realize he must had been the killer to the dead body.*

"...Close enough..."

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