Yeah this Happened...

10 4 1

Friend: Are you dating anyone?

Me: No

Friend: How many boys have you dated?

Me: *Thinks for a second* Three

Friend: Have you kissed any of them?

Me: Nope

Friend: Have you kissed anyone before?

Me: Yep

Friend: Well... *Pause* How many?!?

Me: *Thinks some more* I have kissed more people than friends I have.

Friend: So you cheated on your boyfriends with other boys?

Me: No

Friend: Wait so you kissed the boys in between dating the boys?

Me: No

Friend: I'm so confused!

Me: *Pause* I've dated three boys. I've dated two girls. I've kissed zero boys. I've kissed seven girls. I've even kissed the girls more than once. Still confused?

Friend: Yes.

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