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One of my mistakes a was created with was anxiety. Most people don't know that I have it, and choose not to tell people. I have a guess you could say two 'forms' of anxiety.

I have social anxiety disorder, which means I am not the greatest around people. Sometimes I get nervous and scared by them. Its not at anyway their fault, its just how I am.

I also get minor anxiety attacks. Simple one like things becoming blurt and to ringing in my ears happen about once a week. But I have had two major anxiety attack, one almost sending me to run hospital.

Without explaining what happened to cause them, I can say its very scary. Not only did things go blurry and I heard ringing, but I also had white flashes in my eyes, and voices repeating in a loudly manner in my head. I started to get dizzy in one, which made my parents almost bring me to hospital.

My minor attacks can last up to five or so minutes. But my major attacks lasted up to twenty minutes. So my life with anxiety isn't the prettiest, but I've learned to live (and kinda hide) it.

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