The Books or the Movies?

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Book or movie? That's a commonly asked question, (mostly by teachers) but still.
Usually, the book is written first, then the movie is created. And the movie is ALWAYS slightly different. Weather it be the way they word something, or a character or scene removed or replaced. Us Potterheads are always discussing the difference between the two. Let me make a list for you,

~ Peeves was not in the movies
~ Neither was Winky
~ In the last book, Petunia Evans was portrayed as scared of the magic, but still loving her sister. And in the book, Petunia also wanted to attend Hogwarts. But in the movies, Petunia was scared of the magic, mean to her Lilly and hated her full heartedly once they found of her to be a witch.
~ In the movies Ron's catch phrase is "Bloody Hell!"  While in the books he does not have a catch phrase.

If you know any other differences, points, or anything I should add to this chapter please let me know in the comments so I can add it to the chapter ASAP. Potterheads for life ;)


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