first day.

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Katie and Lucy's last name is Johnson. I forgot to mention that... whoops.

Emma POV
     It's my first day of school, it's also 70 degrees. I have to wear long sleeves, I've had to for the past 2 years. I pick out jean shorts and a plain white long sleeve shirt. I wear my hair in a high pony. My makeup is so light it's non-excitant. I go downstairs to see Katie in a black dress with a jean jacket and boots. She's wearing a ton of makeup and even though her hair looks simple it took her an hour. I go into the kitchen grab a bowl, spoon, Lucky Charms and milk. Katie is running around looking for something. She stops when she sees me, of course.
     "Emma? Why are you wearing long sleeves?" She ask loud enough for Lucy to hear. Great. Lucy comes in. These people are noisy.
     "Why are you wearing long sleeves?" My foster mom says, clearly confused.
     "Um, I have a bad tan line,"I stutter. Tan line, really Emma. Lucy and Katie give me a strange look. Then they both walk away. Few that was close. Katie has her own car, I don't like to be in cars ever since the Smiths. I take the bus. I go out to the bus stop and wait.

Killian POV
I see that Katie's sister is down there. I usually drive but... I think I'll take the bus today. I tell my dad I'm taking the bus then leave. As I walk down I see that she's the only one there. And she standing on the wrong side on the street.
     "Hey, I'm Killian Jones," I say. She's startled.
     "Hi," she says back shyly.
     "The bus picks you up on the other side of the street," I say as non sarcastic  as possible. She blushes as she starts to walk over. I follow. "What's your name?" I continue as we walk across. I need a name for the contact I have.

Emma POV
I'm going to the bus stop alone. I wing it I don't even really know where it is. No one is close by but Katie said it was down on the corner. She probably doesn't even know where it is. Out of no where the boy I saw in my house yesterday comes walking down. We exchange hey's and then he tells me the bus stop is on the other side of the street. I'm embarrassed I just walk over.
   "What's your name?" He asks as we get to the real bus stop.
   "Emma Swan, well technically Emma Johnson,"I say forgetting about the Johnson's for a second. I'm embarrassed, Swan is my birth last name or the ones my parents gave me or the one the foster lady gave me. Long story short it was my first real last name.
     "I like Swan," he says smiling. I smile back. He's really nice. And kinda cute. No, not after Neal. He could be a friend nothing more.

Killian POV
     I love her smile. Now I know what my goal is at the bus stop everyday. Make Swan smile. I hope her arm is better I mean she is wearing a long sleeve t shirt in 70 degree weather so it can't be in the best shape. I want to grab her arm and look at it, I can't she's probably stronger than me. The bus comes she goes on first I follow and sit next to her. She smiles again. We have a 20 minute bus ride and I intend to talk to her the whole time.
     "How old are you?" I ask, she looks younger than girls my age.
"17," she says looking down holding her arm. This isn't gonna work for me.
"You have a pretty face don't look down and if your arm hurts I have something that makes everything feel better," I say, she looks up. Kinda shocked.
"How did you know about my arm," she says trying to hide it.
"Yesterday you didn't do a good job of hiding it. Also I know quite a bit about cuts. Those are gonna leave quite the scar if you don't stop. And I'm not telling you what to do but it's just my opinion," I finish. She looks at me for a while.
"Well my opinion is you should bring a backpack to school," she says her voice full of sass. I hurt a little on that one. I guess I was a little to talkative about her arm. I just look down.

Emma POV
This boy is talking about me and my problems like we've been friends for years. Who does he think he is?
"Well my opinion is you should bring a backpack to school," I sass. He doesn't say anything he just looks down. We've been on the bus for about ten minutes. I stare at him, he's strange. Different. He keeps moving, like every few minutes.
"Are you ok?" I say as I tilt my head trying to make eye contact. He's a jerk but he seems hurt and I need to make sure he's ok. "Killian, are you ok?" He looks up and fakes a smile.
     "Fine, Love," he says. I want to believe him. Sadly I don't. Once we reach school we get off the bus. Killian hasn't said anything, he keeps playing with his back. I walk next to him, staring at him. As we are walking a group of people comes up and pushes me out of the way. They look like friends, I can't tell. Katie is one of the people in the group. She comes up to me.
     "Stay away. No one needs you here," she says harshly. I try to shake it off as everyone starts to move to their first class. I had to go to the main office to get my schedule. I thought Katie would be here but I think she'd rather make friends than learn.
     "Emma Johnson," I say to the lady. She hands me my schedule. I walk out of the room. I head to my first class.

Killian POV
     As people greet me I feel bad for Emma. I try to say something but her sister gets to her first. I watch there conversation Emma has hurt in her eyes as she walks away. What a great sister.
     After a few hours it's time for lunch. I walk into the cafeteria, I look for Emma I know she'll probably be alone. I see her. I watch as she tries to sit with a few people but gets rejected. She leaves the cafeteria. She leaves her lunch behind on an empty table. I follow her taking my lunch with me. She goes out to the courtyard. The one in the back where no one goes. I walk towards her. No one followed me. I sit down next to her. She hides her face in her arms. I don't even thinks she noticed me.
     "Emma?" I say, her whole body tenses. She stays quiet. "I saw that you left your lunch you I thought we could share mine," I say trying to get her head out of her arms.
     "I'm not hungry," she says, her head still buried in her arms. I sit there looking at her for a few minutes.
     "Well then I guess I'll just sit here and enjoy my lunch," I say.
     "Fine," she says as her head shoots up. "What do you have?" Her eyes look a little red but not much. I whip her tears away.
     "Grilled cheese," I say, she's staring at me. I give her half of my sandwich. She smiles, I smile back. We eat in silence, a comfortable silence. At the end of lunch she goes to leave, I stop her.
     "I'll be here tomorrow if you want to join me," I say I little nervous.
     "This time I'll bring lunch," she says as she walks away. I smile like an idiot.

Emma POV
     I go into a abandon courtyard. I sit there and cry a little. Someone comes out. It's Killian. He shares his lunch with me and whips my tears. Maybe we could be friends. At the end of lunch he asks me if I want to meet him again tomorrow. I tell him that I'll bring the lunch. As I'm walking to my next class I see Katie, I run. I cut through people until I'm safely in my next class. After a long day of school, I head out to the bus pick up. I see Killian, he's with a group of people so I just keep my distance. When the bus gets here I walk on, I sit by a window and look out. I didn't even notice Killian sitting next to me.
     "Hey, Love," he says. I jump, he laughs. Killian talks to me the whole bus ride. I feel bad because I only answer with yes or no answers. I feel like if I open up to him and he decides he leave me or hurt me I will be truly broken. My walls have been up for a while now, I don't plan on taking them down.

Killian POV
     I scare the crap out of Emma. The whole bus ride I talk to her. Asking her little questions. I want to get to know her better. She answers with yes or no. I was think about giving up halfway but then I decided not to. The bus comes to a stop.
     "This is our stop," I say as I stand up and lead her off the bus. Once we get off the bus we still have a block to walk.
     "Thank you for sitting with me today," Emma says breaking the silence. I nod.
     "I'd like you to meet my friends, they are really nice. I think you'd like them. There's David, Regina, Robin, and Ruby. They are my closest friends," I say looking at her the whole time. She nods. "We are all having a little party tomorrow, it's at my house." I add.
     "I'll see if I can come, here," she says as she hands me her number. Ha, little does she know I already have it.
      "Thanks, see you tomorrow, hopefully," I say as we go our separate ways.

Emma's thoughts on there walk-home-convo next chapter. Also it's Friday so the party is tomorrow or Saturday. Thanks for reading!!

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