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Bumblebee's p.o.v

I woke up to see Smokescreen who was also beginning to stir. "Mornin' Bee." I bleeped a quick "Good morning," as well. I held my head as I turned to the side of my berth. "Is everything okay, Bee?" I nodded my helm, trying to shake away the fog. "Yeah, just tired." I stood and turned to him. "Let's get going. I'm sure we have a lot of stuff to figure out today." Smokescreen agreed as he stood and turned for the door. I came out first only to meet Arcee in the hallway. "Good morning, boys." Arcee leaned forward giving me a quick peck on the cheek before turning the halls corner. Smokescreen bumped my shoulder plating, "is my newly found brother in love?" I swiftly turned and tackled Smokey in the hallway. As we rolled, a ped stepped in front of us. I looked up from my position above Smokescreen. 

"You two better move before I step on you." WheelJack growled smiling real wide at us. We both hurried up and got off the ground. Running into the main room, I stopped at the door way but apparently Smoky didn't stop in time resulting in him running into my back. In result, I fell on the ground. 

"Will you two knock it off?!" An annoyed Ratchet grumbled to Smoky and I. We snickered before helping each other off of the floor. WheelJack entered the room a few seconds later. Ratchet was in the med bay, my first stop. "Hey Ratch, would you mind giving me a once over again?"  He sighed as he ushered me to an open berth, "of course, Mr. Paranoid." Smokescreen followed closely behind. Ratchet hooked a wire to my chassis before scanning me over. Ratchet hummed to himself as Smokescreen picked at a few things around him. Ratchet turned to give him a look over his shoulder. Smokescreen grinned sheepishly before stopping his antics.

"You are in the clear, Bumblebee. Your vitals are completely back to normal." I whirred in pleasure before allowing Ratchet to unhook the wire from my chassis. I stood from the berth before gesturing Smokescreen from the med Bay Area. 

As we mad our way into the main area, Bulkhead was the first to approach. "Let's go get the kids, if we are a nanosecond late, Miko will be sure to let me know. It's a Saturday." Excitement rushed through me as I thought of finally getting to see Raf. I waved to Smokescreen before we transformed and left base. 

Smokescreen's p.o.v

After Bee left base the, alarms went off around base. I turned my attention to Optimus who gave me the nod. Ratchet was immediately at the computers readying a ground bridge.  "Autobots,  transform!" Optimus ordered while transforming. Ratchet opened the ground bridge for us, we all went through. We transformed after the ground bridge closed. We looked around. We were in an energon cave. 

"Smokey you need to stay away from the energon crystals." WheelJack whispered to me, I just laughed silently.

We found a lot of energon cubes. With all we could carry,  we took it and bridged back. As we were going through, Knockout came out of nowhere. After noticing the flash of red, I felt a pain in my leg. Dropping my stack of energon, I cringed in pain. After hitting the dirt, I noticed the red mech standing over me. Before I could comm link Ratchet, I immediately felt a connection to a certain bot. Before I knew it, I was requesting Bumblebee without speaking. -Bee I need you! Now!- 

I didn't know if he was back or not but I had to try. Then, before I could question myself or his whereabouts,  someone raced through the ground bridge. A flash of black and yellow shot out in car form. Bumblebee's tires squealed across Knockouts silver face. Bee transformed and punched Knockout. Knockout grunted with the force of both attacks. As he tried to get in a hit, Bumblebee took a swift punch to his side.  Knockout groaned before transforming and fleeing the scene. Bumblebee made his way to me, offering a servo, his optics showing worry. "How did you contact me? Are you okay? How did he get here?" 

"I have no idea. I have no idea. And I have no idea." Bumblebee's optics rolled in his helm as he helped me up. "Well, whatever he managed to do to your leg, I felt that." I raised an optic brow before we made our way to the ground bridge before Ratchet chewed us out for wasting too much energy. We were greeted with Ratchet who had his arms crossed. "Now why did you go throwing yourself through a ground bridge, and where is the energon you were supposed to grab Smokescreen?" I shrugged as Bee set me on a berth. 

"He needed help. Knockout must have also been sent to the energon cave." Ratchet looked at Bumblebee as he began looking over my leg. The rest of the team waiting to hear the rest of the story. 

   Bumblebee's p.o.v

    Ratchet spoke up as he continued patching Smokescreen leg and ped, "how is it that you heard him but we didn't. His comm link was linked straight to the main computer. I merely shrugged, "his voice never came through my comm link." Ratchet accidentally got a piece of Smokescreens untouched leg. 



Ratchet jumped back as he looked between Smokescreen and I. "By the Allspark, I know exactly how you were able to contact each other. Bumblebee, sit down."

Before I was able to argue, Ratchet drug me down next to Smokescreen on the Berth. We sat next to each other in confusion. "Scanning us both over, he went back to his computer." 

The kids leaned over the railing. Jack spoke up, "what's the verdict?" Miko pitched in, "yeah, what is the dealio?" 

"It is something that not many bots alike are able to access. It is called a bond. It is mainly used in terms of endearment. Something like marriage here on earth. Or could be for someone that is much alike you. A spark mate if you will. Though, some were formed when siblings were born and were close enough in the beginning. It is only rare now because of the war waged on Cybertron. Not many sparklings were able to bond. And these two morons are some of the very few left of their young generation. If not the youngest currently alive that are known of." Ratchet explained. Raf listening intently. 

"That is so cool!" Miko squealed. She made her way down the stairs before looking up at me. She stomped on the front of my ped. I barely felt it as I looked to Smokescreen. "Felt like a fly landed on my ped." Miko smiled. 

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