Break Out

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Ratchet's p.o.v

After I have been sitting in a cell for a couple of earth days I have been forming plans but none of them turn out right. Then I here the door open. I look up to see a terrible looking Smokescreen and Bumblebee. Their forms are banged up and leaking some energon. Rage spreads through out my form, I jumped up and demand, "Stop, put them in a cell together and the one closest to me or I will kill myself and you won't have nothing to trade for me!" I yelled knowing it would work of course. The worthless Vhechons did as told and left. "S-Sire?" I heard Smokescreen choke. "It's me." I murmured going to the side of my cell and touching him. "I-I don't know...what to do.. I-I am sorry we were..caught." He choked as he leaned against Bee who was putting pressure on his wounds and stopping only two energon flows. Before anymore words could be passed around, Knockout, Breakdown, and Starscream came in.

"What do you want?!" I shouted, growling. "Only to torture you...somewhat." Starscream sneered. They grabbed us but Bumblebee and Smokescreen struggled a lot. "Stop squirming or else!" Breakdown shouted at Bumblebee as he held up a gun to Bumblebee's helm.
     When we got to Megatrons throne room they threw us to Megatron's peds. I listened as Bumblebee and Smokescreen try to hold in a cry of pain. "What do you want now Megatron?" I grumbled looking back at him and glaring. "I want you to tell me everything even if it means off lining one of your sons." His ragged dents showing as he smiled and standing up, "Bring forth the scout." Megatron looked me dead in the optics as Bumblebee struggled against Breakdowns brute strength. I looked over and looked, optics wide as Breakdown dragged Bumblebee to Megatron. Bumblebee was trying to get back with Smokescreen but Breakdown pulled him along.
     "Now Scout tell me where is your base located if you decide not to you will take a beating and whoever else doesn't tell you will get the beating until you are off line then we will move on to the next." Megatron smiled wickedly. "So where is it?" Megatron asked, getting out his sword from under his gun. "I'm not telling you bucket-head!" Bumblebee refused. I sat there, optics wide. I noticed Smokescreen who was also shocked. "You have done this before. You lost your voice last time. Let's see what you can loose next." Megatron spat he raised his blade and cut him over his chest. Megatron earned a scream of pain as Bumblebee leaned over and held his chest with one arm. "No." Smokescreen choked starting to cry. I looked down trying to hold in a cry. "Now medic where is the base or he takes another beating." Megatron seethed smiling evily. I looked up to Bee. He was turned around, faced towards me. He shook his head vigorously. I sighed, I could see that he didn't want the truth out. "No." I whispered. "What was that doctor?" Megatron asked smiling. "No!"I struggled, trying to hold in a cry. I looked back down waiting to here my worst nightmare. Then I heard that shriek of a cry. "Bumblebee!" I heard Smokescreen yell. Bumblebee fell to the ground, Smokescreen and I looked at each other. "Alright take them all three to the cell's and put them together." Megatron ordered while turning around and staring out of the nemesis. But before we left Megatron glared darkly, "oh and Doctor, next time I won't be so nice." They dragged us back and threw us in the cell's. "We'll be back later." Knockout laughed as they slammed the door. "Bee?" Smoky asked while crawling to Bumblebee. "I'm sorry." I murmured while I hugged him. I felt two more pairs of arms wrap around me then we let go. "We need a plan." Bee buzzed. "Yes I know but I don't have any." I wondered, thinking it over. "I got it." Said Smokescreen while smiling. "How about we pretend that Bumblebee went offline in the cell then as they are getting him out we lunge at them then make a run for it. We run to the ground bridge and make it back to Jasper but not where the humans can see us of course....then well we get repaired and then end of story." Smokescreen finished shrugging. "I guess it could work it's the only plan we got to work with." I gave a slight smile.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

"Alright you...ready?" I asked as the door opened. "Ready." They murmured
back. The door opened to reveal..Megatron. So I hurried and turn my optics off and made sure the energon on the floor was enough and then Smoky was sitting with his knees drawed up to his chest and Ratchet was sitting in a corner with his head down. "Aww such pity the scout has offlined." Megatron laughed. "Well then let's see who is next," Megatron seethed.  I heard the cell unlock. "NOW!" I heard Sire yell, I onlined my optics jumped up as fast as I could in my condition. I jumped and kicked Megatron in the faceplate as he fell backwards.  Sire and Smoky took down the rest. "Alright we have what we need." Sire looking at something in his hands I didn't question I just want out of here. The pain washed over me as we kept running but I kept ahold of it. "Smokescreen to base we need a ground bridge now!" Smokescreen fumbled as we turned a corner then we saw the ground bridge and hurried to run through. We made it and it closed behind us.

WheelJacks's p.o.v

After one day there was another battle so we went through the bridge and well apparently ended up in the dessert somewhere we all looked around. We had already fixed up Smoky and Bee good enough to fight. We heard something flying we looked up to see Megatron and Screamer. "Well,well,well who do we have here." Megatron smiled wickedly. He was walking toward us along with Starscream. Then twenty Vheichons landed with them. "Attack!" Optimus roared  I put up my face mask and took out my swords and sliced a few but before I could do more damage I heard a cry. I turned around to see Megatron hurting the brother's. "You two are coming with me!" Megatron seethed as he kicked Smoky then Bee ran to him only to be thrown to the ground by Megatron. I started running to them and Megatron noticed so he asked for a ground bridge. He went threw as soon as I swung my sword and it hit sand. "No!" Arced yelled. "Frag!" I cursed we were ground bridged back by Raf. "What happened where is Bee and Smokescreen?" Jack asked we looked down and I spoke up. "Megatron has them." I growled while putting my face mask down and the kids looked down sadly.

We waited hours of hearing nothing as Optimus was always at the control panel and Bulkhead was standing by me as we watched the kids play video games lobby like. "You know...I miss the brother's goofing off." I admitted looking at Bulk who only looked down and nodded. "Smokescreen to base I need a ground bridge." We heard, we walked over to the control panel while Arcee ran to it. She opened the ground bridge, three bots ran in then the brother's fell down as we closed the bridge. "Bout time!" I yelled running to them, they only groaned. They rolled over then smiled. "At least we're back." Smokescreen wheezed, I just smiled. "Get them to the berths and Bee I have something you might need." Ratchet smiled. Everyone looked at the device in his servos. "A voice box...!"
Bumblebee whirled loudly and starred with wide optics as well did we.

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