Chapter 4- The Jealousy

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The boys finished making their video. it made mr laugh and I hope their fans enjoy it. After they finished their video they showed me their videos on their Youtube channel. Some were funny but I felt sick when they showed me the redbull and milk challenge. They seemed really proud of what they were doing. If they're happy then so am i.

I was their for hours without realising.

"i need to get back" I looked at my IPhone.

"Can I get your number?" Did Beau just ask me that?

"ooo Beau fancies Lilly" The rest of the boys chant apart from Jai. He looked so sad I needed to talk to him.

"Erm sure" Beau gave me his phone so I could enter my number. "Jai?" his head lifed up

"Yea" His eyes were watery.

"Cam I have your number?" He nods. I gave him my phone.After a few seconds Jai started to laugh.

"You look cute here" He turned the phone screen towards me. It was the photo where I was asleep with my mouth open.

"Oh my...Jai give me my phone back!" I was so embarrassed. Jai ran out of the room laughing his head off. I chased after him and after a while I rugby tackled him to the floor and snached my phone back. I give Jai a cheeky kiss on the cheek. I raised myself off the floor and headed for the door. I said goodbye to the boys. When I was outside I sat on thr bench. WAIT! I just kissed Jai? But I thought I had feelings for Beau? What am I doing!

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