Don't Fail Me Now: Chapter 2 >>>

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The rate of my breath was abnormal. Who am I kidding, everything about this situation is abnormal. Finally, I turned around to look at Natalie's face. I let out a high pitched eep. Holy, Natalie looked...slightly different, but you could still tell that she was Natalie. Her hair was still purple, except it was a darker shade. Her eyes were light blue, with a little bit of purple.

Her features were still as perfect as before. She was still gorgeous. She turned her face towards me and a gasp escaped from her lips.

"Elizabeth? Is that you?" Her voice still sounded the same. She frowned, it looked weird. She was in anime form now. I wanted to laughed, it all seemed so surreal.

I nodded, "Yeah. it's me. Why? Do I look different or something?"

She tilted her head, "Well, if you consider changing your hair colour different, then yeah, you do look different." My eyes widened, "Oh, and your eyes are"

My brows furrowed, "Red? Are you sure?"

"Just a little, the's faintly red. But it's definitely red. And your eyes are darker brown now."

"What's my hair colour?"

"Uh...I thought it looked black, but now, it seems more..." She trailed off, "Whoa, your hair looks like it has rainbow streaks through it. For a second there, I thought it was blonde!"

"Natalie, are you okay? How do you mix up the colours black and blonde?"

She shrugged, "Must've been the sun." We both looked up at the cartoon sun simultaneously.

I laughed, "This is so cool." Cool wasn't the word to describe all this. It was probably the understatement of the year. But, I couldn't find the right word. Black hair and brown eyes. My hair colour changed...well they did say that only the mind transfers. The rest is just luck, they probably just put random possible characteristics together. But it is kinda cool how Natalie got somewhat the same hair colour. And I'm sure that her eyes are the exact same...

"Okay, first of all, I want to go and find Shikamaru." I jumped up and down with excitement.

"No! We need to find Kakashi first!!!" She argued.

"Shikamaru!! We can go find Kakashi after!!! I agree that Kakashi is amazing, but we need to find the IQ genius first!!"

"You're such a nerd!" She yelled at me, "Kakashi!! Kakashi!! Kakashi!! I'm not changing my mind." She crossed her arms stubbornly. Her face changed into a pout. I sighed, when she does that, it means she's made up her mind. Nothing's going to change it.

"FINE! But if we see Shikamaru on the way, then we're going to go stalk him."

"Deal, and by stalk him, I hope you mean talk to him."

I tapped my chin for a second, "Hmm, no, we're talking to him and then stalking him."

"They're ninjas, Liz, do you think we would be able to follow them and not be found out?"


"Exactly." For once, Natalie actually made sense, they're ninjas. I looked at her outfit, she was swearing those blue sandals that everyone wear here. Her top had buttons on them. The style of her top was the small as Sakura's and Ino's, except she had buttons. The shorts she was wearing went about 4 inches above her knee. The outfit was what everyone wore in this village, but she looked stunning.

I wonder what I'm wearing right now. I looked down at my blue sandals. And then my shorts, they were about the same length as Natalie's. My top was a little different from hers. It had small simple buttons. The cloth went long enough to cover my butt. But it didn't have the split that went up the sides of the clothes. I was wearing a spaghetti strap inside, the collar of the light blue top was slightly more towards my right side than left. The right side of my shoulder was more covered up.

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