Don't Fail Me Now: Chapter 3 >>>

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I woke up with my head pounding. Yuuka and I stayed up all night whispering about what we're going to do today. Tsunade will definitely ask more about how we got here. We told our parents that we'd be staying here for a few days. They were going on a vacation anyway, leaving us at home by ourselves, great parents they are. It doesn't matter, after all, it’s winter break and there's nothing but freezing air outside. The temperature in the real world just dropped suddenly in the last few days.

I stepped out of bed, lazily. I rubbed my eyes the way a baby would. I slipped on the ninja clothes we were wearing yesterday. I let out a sigh of content, everything's just how I imagined it to be. The people, the landscape and...well, everything else! Yuuka's apartment's just next door. Our rooms are identical, the walls all both brownish and the only furniture in the room were a bed and a table. There isn't even a closet. Guess ninjas don't need to dress up. Yuuka's room also has a refrigerator, but mine doesn't. I think they assumed that I didn't eat.

The hair brush slipped through my hair smoothly, never getting caught between the tangled ones. I let it slide through a few more times before brushing my teeth and washing my face. I decided that taking a shower before I went to sleep was a better idea than taking one right now.

I let the excitement spread through me when I thought about spending the day here. I skipped to the door and turned the cold handle. The wooden door opened and a blast of cold wind wiped my face. Instinctively, I squeezed my eyes tight together so that the leaves and dirt blowing around wouldn't get in my eyeballs.

"Naruto, stop attacking with your fists. This is an exercise to train your kicking skills. We need to try to keep the strength of your arms and legs somewhat even." That voice was definitely Kakashi's. No other person could ever have a voice that cool.

"Alright! Alright, sheesh, Kakashi-sensei," Naruto shouted, "My legs are just tired."

"Aren't you going to become Hokage one day? You can't become Hokage if you can't kick 500 times straight." Kakashi provoked, we all know that when the word Hokage is used, Naruto's at full power.

Five hundred times?! I can't even kick 50 times without dying. Kakashi's training is harsh. Maybe one day, I can reach 50 day. I heard a door open, and footsteps walking towards me.

"Rika?" I heard Yuuka's voice. We agreed that we would call each other our fake names from now on, and pretend that we were actually sisters. Who knows, they might be spying on us right now. If they were, we wouldn't know. We're not ninjas...That reminds me, are we going to have to go to the ninja academy? We'll be the oldest people there. Most people graduate when they're around 11. Yuuka and I, well, we're...old compared them. We'll stand out if we were to go to the ninja academy. And it'll be so embarrassing. They would think we didn't pass the tests and all. Or that we were stupid or something.

Oh gosh, and I realized that there might be another problem. Do we even have Chakra?!

I sighed. I pushed all of those stressful questions out of my mind and turned around to face Yuuka. Her hair was perfect as usual. And her eyes were shining with zeal. "Good morning, Yuuka-chan." There were dark bags under her eyes, I bet she barely got any sleep last night. I probably have bags under my eyes too...I should check my reflection sometime. I don't even know what I look like right now.

Yuuka still looked beautiful. She could be covered in bird poop and she'll still be magnificent.

Her eyes enlarged slightly when her gaze fell on my eyes. She squinted her indigo colored eyes at mine. "What?" I asked defensively.

She shook her head and looked away, "Nothing." I frowned, what the heck was she looking at? Is there something on my face? Hopefully not. We strolled towards Naruto’s shouts of how he's going to become the Hokage one day, the terrain was unfamiliar. We might've watched Naruto before, but they barely show any actual landscape.

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