Don't Fail Me Now: Chapter 4>>>

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I practiced throwing those sharp little things for the next few days. Seventy percent of my time was spent on practicing, 'cuz that's what everybody does, apparently. Practice. Mission. Eat. Rest. Practice. Talk to people. Practice. Sleep. Yeah, I think they've got a pretty good life there. Yuuka's gonna try and get Neji to come and check if we actually have chakra. He's supposed to be free today. She went to arranged some things with him.

I strode to the spot I've practiced for the last couple days. There were lots of marks on the trees, it was proof that I've been throwing a lot of shurikens and kunais. I've also been practicing my kicking and punching. The punching is going great. But the kicking is going horrible. My legs get tired too easily. And the force isn't too good either. I still don't understand how Kakashi and all those people manage to notice that someone's spying on them from like...60 meters away.

I swung my leg up towards the trees and slowed down at the last second, afraid that it was going to hurt. I don't think I'll ever get used to kicking trees. After all, they're much harder than pillows. I sighed and I kicked again, this time actually using some power. As my poor foot connected with the thick tree trunk, I almost felt my foot bruise even more. But I kept on kicking. And I switched feet occasionally.

"Rika-chan!" I snapped my head around, knowing who the voice belonged to.

"Naruto-kun." I contained my smile, trying not to look too happy. "Hi. Are you doing some training?" The word training still seemed weird when I said it. The word always caught on the tip of my tongue, and it just seemed silly to be saying something like that.

"Naruto! You idiot! Stop running!" My eyes perked up as I heard another famailar voice. It wasn't one that I have actually heard when I entered into this place, but I've definitely heard it enough just watching the anime. The pink short hair entered my vision. Even though I've seen her about fifteen billion times, it still made my heart speed up that I'm actually meeting another Naruto character.

"Sakura-chan! This is the person I wanted you to meet!" He waved his hand in the air enthusastically. Once again, I had to contain the amount of eagerness I was showing. Don't cause suspicion. I flashed her a quick smile, trying to seem like how a normal person.

I waved. "Hi, I'm Rika." I introduced myself when she was close enough to hear me.

She waved back. "Hi, I'm Sakura. Nice to meet you, Rika-chan." I wanted to yell, 'YES! I know that you're Sakura!.' But that would arouse suspicion. Unless, I told them that I was a stalker. Which I don't plan on doing. Before I could say something back, she commented again. "Where's your forehead protector, Rika-chan?" Well...just as observant as ever. I had hoped that it would slide by. But that was a little too much to ask from everybody except Naruto.

My hand almost started smacking my head, trying to come up with a reasonable lie, but I kept my hand where it was and quietly ramaged through my brian, trying to come up with something. If only Yuuka was here, she would know what to say. My eyes darted to another figure that I just noticed was there.


My eyes almost bulged out of there sockets, and literally, since I can now have anime facial expressions (happy dance). He strutted towards us, walking with his hands in his pockets like usual. I didn't know what expression I wanted on my face, a smile? A scowl? Do what every other girl does here, blush? Nah, I'm so not blushing. Even though it wasn't something I could control. I settled with a smile grin.

"Hi." I waved at him, Sakura's probably going to introduce us, but I already know who he was...everybody knew.

"This is Sasuke-kun. Sasuke Uchiha." She guestered towards him. See, I knew it. "And this is Rika-chan." She said changing her target.

I smiled, "Nice to meet you Sasuke-kun." He nodded in acknowlegdment. Same old, same old. "Do you guys wanna help me train? I'm still such an amature. I've finally been able to hit all those targets over there." I nodded towards the trees where markings were ingraved into the bark.

"Sure!! What do you want to learn now?" Naruto pipped. I couldn't help but smile, how can anyone find him annoying? I mean, yeah, he can be really loud at times, but other than that, you can't find his good nature to be annoying. He's always trying to help someone, refusing to give up on them. And he seems quite proud to be teaching someone shinobi tricks.

"Um, how about we still stick to the basics? Maybe you guys could show me some cool combos? I was thinking maybe we could start with throwing several kunai, simutaneously. I know it's probably a little basic for you guys, but I think I need to polish my skills." I said, keeping my tone light. I'll just make them think that I'm practicing. I've tried to throw three kunai at the same time before, over the last few days, but I've only managed to hit two of the targets. That's an improvement. Last time I tried, the second one just barely made it to the target.

I turned back to face Naruto and the gang, seeing what they thought of that. They could probably do much better, but secretly, that's already much beyond my expectations for myself. I grinned internally to myself. Can't let them see that I'm satisfied with something like that, they'll probably think I've gone crazy or something.

"Good job. Just keep practicing, and then you'll be even better." She smiled. Well, that's nice enough.

Soon, Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke were all shooting multiple kunai with me. After every second, I felt like I was becoming like a better ninja. But just then, Yuuka appeared.

With Neji.


Sorry for the slow update...I was really focused on my DGM fanfic >.<

No proofread lool

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And you guys should read the author's note I wrote and comment -.- it would be A LOT of help.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2012 ⏰

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