Chapter 4 the Wrath of a Brother

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The room went white as you opened your eyes for the first time in days. The light kind of hurt and keeping your eye lids open was a struggle. You never realized how much effort it took to keep your eyes open until now. You tried your best to look around the room once your vision came back. You were expecting to see six different looking brothers, but they were all the same. You couldn't even tell which one was Kara. Although, the answer came to you soon when your hand was grabbed quickly. "(y/n)!" he looked panicked to the closest brother to the door, which was Choromatsu. "Get the doctor!" he ordered, and Choro didn't hesitate. He leapt out of the room quickly.

Kara's smile grew wide and tears fell from his eyes. They were happy tears, this time. "....I can't believe you're awake.... I'm so sorry, (y/n)...." He closed his eyes tightly. "I-I didn't mean to-"you cut him off by placing a shaky hand on his cheek.

" didn' anything....wrong...." you forced yourself to speak, even though your voice was horse and hushed. He looked at you in shock for a moment, but then sighed in relief and smiled.

The brothers were staring at the two of you, Oso grinning at his brother. They didn't speak, though. The doctors came in, shooing everyone out of the way, including Kara. They checked your vitals, checked your eyes, your mouth, checked just about everything. "Well, you seem okay, from what we can see. We'll schedule you for an x-ray and further examinations, but for the most part, you seem to be a lot better, now that you're awake! I'd say, if everything goes to plan, you'll be out as soon as this weekend."

You smiled brightly. You were so happy to hear everything was okay. You manage to escape death. Or at least a lifetime of bed laying. You thanked the doctor with all the strength you had, then they were on their way out the door. Todomatsu approached you with a shy smile. "(y/n). It's very nice to meet you.... I....don't know if you heard us while you were asleep but.... We're Karamatsu's brothers."

You nodded slowly, looking to and from the five of them. "Yes....I.....heard him say he brought his brothers.....but, to be honest...." You started to chuckle "Jyushimatsu's the only one I heard~" everyone looked to Jyushi, who had a big grin. He flailed his arms in the air. "Yaaaay! She heard me, she heard me~!" you started to giggle again and the rest joined. Osomatsu scratched the back of his head with a blush.

"W-well.... I guess we ow you an apology, Jyushi~"

The second youngest hugged his oldest brother tightly. "I forgive you!"

You smiled at the two. "So, um.....since I didn't catch the rest of your names....would you mind repeating yourselves?"

"Not at all!" Choro spoke up. He introduced himself and his brothers. "I'm Choromatsu, this is Ichimatsu, that's Todomatsu, and that's Osomatsu." You nodded, trying to memorize the names. They were very similar and very long. Honestly, it was hard to tell who was who, by looking at them. You were impressed by their six same faces. As you were scanning the brothers for none similarities, Kara approached you and sat back down at the chair. There was a hot, red blush painted on his face. ", um...... could hear us?"

You nodded, not taking your eyes from your concentration on the brothers. "Mhm. Only a little, though. The voices were muffled and sounded like I was under water...."

"Underwater? Wow, that's weird...... was it dark?" you nodded again.

"Yes, very dark. I could feel things, too, but everything was....numb. Like....when you grabbed my hand. Or when you laid your head on my chest." Kara's blush deepened as the brothers looked at him suspiciously.

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